Monthly Archives: May 2014

How to Publish Public Domain Books and Profit Nearly Forever, Part 1

(photo: 401(k) 2012) I found sometime this year that it was more profitable to publish than it is to write. And publishing copyright-free material was faster than about anything.[Update: the list of How-To steps have just been posted.] I now have … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, book, iTunes, kobo, lulu, public domain, publish | Leave a comment

Some copyright notes – where to check for public domain issues

Some places to check for copyright orphans before you give up on that great public domain book. The safest approach is to only use books printed before 1923. That limits what people want to read, though, since the language and … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, createspace, Dorothea Brande, Internet Archive, kobo, lulu, public domain | Leave a comment

Lulu gets finicky about publishing ebooks – tsk, tsk.

Is the business plan for publishing public domain and PLR books dead? No, but the rumors would make you think so. (photo: seebrownflikr) Got this from Lulu today: Please note that we no longer accept public domain or other content … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, google, iTunes, kobo, lulu, Nook, public domain | Leave a comment

Why Lulu Made Me Buy a MAC for Self-Publishing

iTunes, unlike Amazon, doesn’t seem to be a walled garden. But there are hurdles which they put in place to keep indie authors out. Here’s some solutions to the problem. (photocredit: Kyle MacDonald) This began for me when Lulu decided … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, book, iTunes, kobo, lulu, public domain, smashwords | Leave a comment

How to Set Up a MAC for Self-Publishing to Itunes

Adventures in Apple-land: Using a MAC as a Self-Publishing Platform When we last left our hero, he had made the decision – and leapt into the mist. I ordered a MAC mini (hold the fries) and it arrived two days … Continue reading

Posted in apple, Best Buy, Calibre, Firefox, iTunes, LibreOffice, Linux, Sigil, Windows | Leave a comment

How to Build a Public Domain (Self) Publishing Assembly Line

Publishing public domain books means volume and repetitive tasks – an assembly line. (art credit:Tobias Mikkelson) A one-person publishing “empire” is possible these days. Regular passive income can be made from re-publishing public domain as long as you: 1) Add … Continue reading

Posted in book, Calibre, iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, public domain, publishing, Sigil | Leave a comment