Monthly Archives: October 2014

Are there Professional versus Amateur publishers?

(photo: Is there a difference between “professional” and “amateur” publishers? Technically, no. There seems to be a quality point, however. Even if that quality point is arbitrarily inflated. Some people are just getting started in publishing, and others have … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, book, BookBaby, iTunes, kobo, OverDrive, Private label rights, publish | Leave a comment

How to Publish a Dozen Books in an Afternoon.

An afternoon’s work can get your next dozen books available to millions within 3 days. This came home to me today as I (finally) started publishing another batch of books I’d been polishing. Of course, it didn’t go smoothly – … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Calibre, google, ISBN, iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, Nook | Leave a comment