Monthly Archives: January 2015

Even Orphans Can Get Published and Find Success

Orphans have rights too – but they’d rather be well-known than forgotten. (photo: The story is too common. Some author comes out with a book, then dies – but no one cares. Or an author publishes under a corporate … Continue reading

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Huna – Max Freedom Long – Recovering the Ancient Magic

Discovering / Recovering the Ancient Magic (Photo Credit: Palash Biswas) AFTER an eighteen-year study of Magic in its various forms—not the spurious magic of the stage, but the genuine magic that works miracles—I come as a layman to report my … Continue reading

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Update: The Distributors Discriminate (against your profits.)

In any book sales, it’s bulk vs. originality. There’s room for both. (Photo Credit: Phil Roeder) Viable book sales depend on volume of books first, quality second, originality third.  But this isn’t how the distributors see it. No reason for … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle,, International Standard Book Number, iTunes, Kobo Inc., LibreOffice, lulu, Nook, public domain, publishing | Leave a comment

The new and streamlined assembly line for book publishing online.

Anything can be automated, even book self-publishing. (Photo credit: Pascal) We aren’t’ talking about how you publish books by machine, but we are talking a pretty set procedural system to make your publishing life continue easier. Publishers publish many books. … Continue reading

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The genius reason behind the madness of publishing as a home business

Genius publishers can get financial freedom if they want to work hard. My job is to make it easier by leaving a back-trail anyone can follow. The idea is to create a self-publishing home-business which earns you financial freedom. I … Continue reading

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Your Next Challenge in Publishing – Finish What You Started

Editing Great Books Doesn’t Get Them Selling or Sold – Publishing Does. (Photo credit: Kev) It’s an easy trap to get into. Many niches have lots of books hanging around which beg you to bring them back to life. And … Continue reading

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