Monthly Archives: June 2015

Is it Time for Authors to Speak Up and Sell More?

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here The more authors get their content out to more people, the better chance they have of discovery.  The more discovery, the better the book sales. I’ve long said … Continue reading

Posted in, Audiobook, book, iTunes, publishing, RSS | 1 Comment

Authors: How to Podcast On a Lean Budget

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here Authors can get better discovery (and sales) for their books when they podcast.  Sadly, the tips and tricks on how to do this for low cost or free … Continue reading

Posted in Content marketing, ebook, JPEG, podcasting, publishing, self-publishing | Leave a comment

The Greatest Evil in Self-Publishing – and 4 Methods to Fight It

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here The world’s greatest writers and composers have died because of it. It’s caused Wars to be lost and Nations defeated. It’s present in most people’s lives – and … Continue reading

Posted in book, ebook, napoleon hill, politics, self-publishing, success, think and grow rich | 1 Comment

The Curse of Printed Art Books – and How to Remove it (Case Study 09)

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here I can hear my Art Teachers “tut-tutting” in my head now. They were all very good at being constructive in their criticism. You knew you hit the high-level … Continue reading

Posted in art books, art training, book, Print on demand, public domain, self-publishing, walter crane | Leave a comment

Reverse Book Marketing – Audience First, then Book

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here The guide to reverse book marketing exists. I found this great talk between Robert Bruce and Brian Clark which has a reverse take on how authors should start … Continue reading

Posted in authorpreneur, book, Brian Clark, Copyblogger, DVD, Elvis Presley, Malcolm Gladwell, New Rainmaker, writing | Leave a comment

Cracking Video for Book Discovery – a Sidebar

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here Brian Clark’s two-year old podcast (see last post) set a high bar. But it makes more sense than all the advice I’ve run across so far – from … Continue reading

Posted in Feedback, internet marketing, jeff walker, marketing masters, mike dillard, sales letters, self-publishing | Leave a comment

How to Start a Marketing Bonfire for Self Publishing Sales – Case Study 12

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here In the days before lighthouses, bonfires would be lit on the heights near a port to guide merchant ships safely to the harbor. If you stood on a … Continue reading

Posted in E-book, podcasting, Private label rights, public domain, publishing, self-publisihing | Leave a comment

How I Was Wrong About Marketing (Case Study13)

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here And this happens more than I care to admit. I was wrong, wrong, wrong. Again, it’s conventional wisdom that I swallowed years ago and has been an unshakeable, … Continue reading

Posted in books, ebooks, Google Analytics, memberships, self-publishing, Web analytics | Leave a comment