Monthly Archives: September 2015

What Do You Really Want? Need Help? Just Ask…

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here Just an ad lib today. No real transcript this time. Just me talking to you. We’ve been around the pike and I’d like to hear what you need … Continue reading

Posted in answers, email, help, livesensical, opt-in, questions | Leave a comment

Why Digital Sharecropping Means FAIL – And How to Survive Podcasting Catastrophes (Part 1)

Just had all my years of files posted to vanish. Gone. Erased. Videos, PDFs, everything – gone. Of course, that also means all the podcasts to this blog. Thanks. Much. No email, just – “your account is locked” when … Continue reading

Posted in Apple Inc., digital sharecropping, disaster recovery, Google Drive, Internet Archive, iTunes, podcasting | Leave a comment

How to Survive Podcasting Catastrophes (Part 2) – Rainmaker to the Rescue

As mentioned last post, Internet Archives had suddenly dumped all my stuff and locked me out. They didn’t like my affiliate links, apparently. So I was left with all these podcasts to re-upload somewhere. I was looking to Rainmaker … Continue reading

Posted in catastrophe, digital sharecropping, Internet Archive, mp3, podcasting, resilience. | Leave a comment

When Book Marketing Becomes Just Another J.O.B.

Ever get fed up with stuff – when something you used to like to do has become just another chore? No, I’m not quite there yet with book publishing. But podcasting was taking me to the brink. You see, “conventional … Continue reading

Posted in Audiobook, book publishing, CD, Compact Disc, DVD, iTunes, job, podcasting, publishing, schedule | Leave a comment

How to Market Your Book Online – My Last Recipe

This podcast available for download. This is the (final) recipe for marketing a book online.  And because of the breakthroughs below, you may not hear from me for awhile. But don’t worry, I’ll give you links at the end so … Continue reading

Posted in iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, publishing, recipe, Search engine optimization, self-publishing | Leave a comment

How to Publish 76 Books In a Year

…And Earn a 6-Figure Passive Income for Life This podcast available for download. So much for that hiatus. Since you’re one of the brilliant, charismatic followers of this blog and podcast, you know I just gave you a complete brain … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, E-book, google, iTunes, lulu, passive income, public domain, publishing, steve scott | Leave a comment