Monthly Archives: May 2016

The Four Whys and Four Hows of Successful Self-Publishing

The Four Whys and Four Hows of Successful Self-Publishing After now over a decade of self-publishing, I thought to give you some hints about what you’re up against. It isn’t all that pretty, but it can be made to work. The … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, ebook, publishing, self-publishing, smashwords | Leave a comment

Is the Content Inc. Model a Good Fit for Author-Publishers?

Is the Content Inc. Model a Good Fit for Author-Publishers? Short answer is “yes.” Long answer is “depends.” Depends if you get what he’s saying, understand it, and put it to work. The bottom line is that author-publishers are content … Continue reading

Posted in author, content inc, joe pulizzi, publisher | Leave a comment

Reviving Frankenstein: Making PLR Publishing Profitable

Reviving Frankenstein: Making PLR Publishing Profitable PLR is long from dead, although the amount of really bad stuff out there can make you wish it was. It still sells. I have a certain set of PLR ebooks which continue to … Continue reading

Posted in frankenstein, monster, plr, Private label rights, self-publishing | Leave a comment

How to Shift into Online Business Gears You Probably Don’t Know Exist

Imagine that you had a car that only had two speeds – reverse, and low. Wouldn’t that be frustrating? You’d probably be able to go faster backwards than you could forwards. Yet this is the scene that most businesses have. Because … Continue reading

Posted in Business, entrepreneur, promotion, self-publishing | Leave a comment

Exploding Sales Funnel Fraud

How to Resolve and Expand Your Audience Out Of Trust The core value any online commerce runs on is trust. Yet business schools don’t teach this. They are instead given all sorts of models to use which take them away from … Continue reading

Posted in audience, self-publsihing, Social media, trust | Leave a comment

The Hummingbird That Protects You From Amazon Going South

Because you never know when things will go to hell. Being prepared is a good option to keep open. You’ve probably heard this pharse or some version: “Plan your work, work your plan and always carry a spare.” Another one … Continue reading

Posted in, book, hummingbird, self-hosted, self-publishing | Leave a comment

BitTorrent Bundles Becomes the Ultimate Book Distributor

BitTorrent Bundles Becomes the Ultimate Book Distributor I’ve spent some time discussing (and dissing) Tim Ferris for having to promote his work on BitTorrent because he published through CreateSpace instead of Lulu. But you can’t fault the results. As a … Continue reading

Posted in bittorrent, bundle, distributor, ebook, self-publishing | Leave a comment

Got Your Ears On? Here’s Great Audiobook News…

Got Your Ears On? Here’s Great Audiobook News… What changes a couple of years make… There is finally an alternative to ACX, which allows an actual improvement in audiobook quality… [Hey – thanks for finding this podcast. When you visit … Continue reading

Posted in self-publishing, Selling Your Books Online | Leave a comment

The Care and Feeding of Book Distributors

The Care and Feeding of Book Distributors Like the first rule of publishing, that books are containers of ideas (and not one set format) book distributors have to be studied with the idea they are… [Hey – thanks for finding … Continue reading

Posted in self-publishing, Selling Your Books Online | Leave a comment