Monthly Archives: January 2017

4 Simple, Smart Ways to Book Launch Success

The Smart Ways to a Successful Book Launch Has Four Routes I’ve been doing some study again, and found the truth in this phrase: “No one school has all the teachers.” (An ancient Polynesian saying.) A book I recently released, … Continue reading

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How to Hack Amazon Algorithms: Publish Backwards

How to Hack Amazon Algorithms By Starting at the End. I had yet another book to launch. As you know, I like to work backwards on these things. The phrase (attributed earliest to Socrates) is: “Begin with the end in … Continue reading

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4 Simple Author Models to Use For Your Ultimate Success

(Download this audio – Click here.) There are four basic journey-choices you can make to get all the success you want as an author. Some of these are known, some can be observed. At least one… [Hey – thanks for … Continue reading

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Playing the Long Game to Win at Life and Self-Publishing

Playing the Long Game to Win at Life and Self-Publishing …isn’t that hard, but it seems to be a skill to master that isn’t commonly taught Hi there , This week brought to view the… [Hey – thanks for finding … Continue reading

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