Your Audience, Your Responsibility, Your Advice

Any Writer Starts By Listening

This comes up over and over again. People who listen can have conversations. People who “soapbox” often end up standing there alone.

The key to successful books is writing for the audience. Sure, you may be scratching your own itch – but when you write that how-to book, or that fiction masterpiece, you are exchanging value with your audience.

Authors who start making a living at their craft – and those who go beyond this to crafting their fortune with bestsellers – all know this to be an evergreen truth: your audience is always right.

Your audience may be small, but in this day and age, they don’t have to be physically living in the same area in order to find one another. You can and will grow your audience by continuing to produce content that they need, want, and love.

I was updating “Just Publish! Ebook Creation for Indie Authors” right along this line recently – and again today discovered that I had hit on a nerve there.

Because when you use an ebook launch to develop your next book, you are surveying (listening) to what your audience wants – and then crafting your product to that, so they get what they are yearning for.

It doesn’t matter what genre you write in, or whether it’s fiction or non-fiction (or a “memoir” somewhere in between.) The point is that you actually listen to your own audience and deliver the goods they want.

The point of this is to help them improve their lives.

After that, the basic marketing techniques of coming out with tons of well-crafted books at affordable prices takes over. Each and everyone of these well-crafted masterpieces are determined by the public they are written for.

A bottom line is that more you improve their lives openhandedly, the better your book and your series will sell and keep selling.

Of course, you are encouraged to leave a comment below so we can have a conversation about this idea. Who knows – you may wind up in the dedication section of my next book as being the genius who inspired it…

This entry was posted in audience, author, bestsellers, book, ebook, exchange, fiction, genre, popular, story, value, writing. Bookmark the permalink.

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