How to Get Started in Self Publishing…

Getting Started in Self-Publishing Your Books

There’s a great deal being said about this area. My own books on Lulu – self-promotion, yes I know) gives me some years of experience in this area. And for so long, it’s been a bit difficult for a new author to break into publishing. 

This has all started changing with the rise of the tablet and smartphone, so people can carry a library of books in their pocket, handbag, or briefcase/satchel/backpack. 

I hope to deliver a series of these posts, as it seems to be something which is in high demand, but little real analysis and thoughtful review is being done in this area.
Here’s the first installment:

Self-publishing a book: 25 things you need to know | Fully Equipped …Jun 13, 2012 … Considering self-publishing a book? CNET’s David Carnoy discusses the ins and outs of what it’s all about. Rea…


But the above author is really not a success story – even though he tells how to get started. Here are 3 success stories to whet your appetite:

A Self-Publishing Success Story (No Magic Required) Vook 

A Self-Publishing Success Story (No Magic Required) by Allison Horton on Science-fiction, fantasy, and thriller writer Andrew Mayne is an…


How an Enterprising Author Sold a Million Self-Published Books | Copyblogger

The publishing industry is in turmoil, and there is no shortage of people lamenting the passing of the old order. We’ve previously had wa…

Mark McGuinness

A Self-Publishing Success Story (No Magic Required) Vook

A Self-Publishing Success Story (No Magic Required) by Allison Horton on Science-fiction, fantasy, and thriller writer Andrew Mayne is an…


And there are still a few out there who are willing to play the devil’s advocate and say that it’s the best and worst of both worlds:

Why the boom in self-publishing is a mixed blessing

BY Christopher Young It used to be that when you finished your masterpiece, your best bet of getting it published would be to find an age…


Bottom line is that it’s a great time to get in. Tablets (and smart phones) are replacing laptop sales just as they replaced desktop PC’s.  Note this article where parents are starting to get into this for the holiday season:

Parents Primed to Buy Devices and Ebooks for Their Kids This Holiday Season, New Study Finds | Digital Book World

When it comes to their kids and e-reading, parents are prepared to spend this holiday season, an upcoming study has found. Nearly 40% of …

Jeremy Greenfield

And it’s too easy to carry around a bookshelf of readable materials with Kindle or Android or iBookstore – and Sony, etc. as covered by Smashwords. As Forbes points out, it’s on the rising edge of the hype cycle:

Self-Publishing Shows Rapid Growth – Forbes

The Hype Cycle The number of books and ebook self-published each year in the US has increased by 287 percent since 2006 says Bowker, Amer…

Suw Charman-Anderson

This is just about enough for now.  But again, you can check out what I’ve been doing along this line,,,

Dr. Robert C. Worstell’s Books and Publications Spotlight

Get Your Self Scam Free
Get Your Self Scam Free By Robert C. Worstell – Worstell Design

eBook (PDF): $2.99
Download immediately.
How do you quit being a victim to every slick telemarketer out there? Is there anyway to see a scam and get out of their way? I’ve been there and done that. There are reasons people have been trained More >
Haanel's Master Key System
Haanel’s Master Key System By Dr. Robert C. Worstell, editor, Charles F. Haanel, and

eBook (PDF): $2.89
Download immediately.
     (1 Ratings)
THE CONTINUING BESTSELLING CLASSIC – as seen in “The Secret”. This book is based on a 1909 course which had 24 lessons, complete with review questions and answers.Now formatted from the More >


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