New news on the Classics You Should Know book club

Classics You Should Know - Podcasted Book Reviews of Great ReadsHi there,

Just wanted to keep you up to date.

Classics You Should Know” is live with plenty – a week’s worth of books for you.

We’re still working on the bubble-wrap they came in, so we’ll get some more links up there as soon as possible.

I did get some ways you could buy directly, which is a step forward. I don’t know if you realize that selling directly instead of on Amazon allows an author to make higher royalties for the same price or less. (Cuts out the middleman.) There’s lot of ways to do this, but the link we’re using seems the best for what we need.

And if I don’t have a version of that ebook on Amazon, then I can price it whatever I want (regardless of the Amazon-Kindle price-check bots.)

The trick is that I can also include all sorts of other versions along with that Kindle .mobi file – so you get that and the epub (which everyone else uses) and the PDF – all for the same price Amazon charges. (It does take some sideloading, but Amazon’s getting better at making this possible all the time.) Meanwhile, your smartphone will load them just fine.

I’ve also added the direct link to Lulu – and most of the books there are running at 50% discount, usually. As I add books, I’ll keep checking these out to make sure you get every good offer I can. (That 50% is below what Amazon can offer on their best day.)

Meanwhile, there are some coupons and other discounts from iTunes and a few other places as soon as I scout them up. But you’ll be the first to know…

Anyway, check out the podcasts. With any luck, I’ll be able to keep these coming to you 5 days a week, since they’re all pretty short. And we’ll wind up just continuing to grow the book club out as we go.

Feel free to share with your friends and whatnot.  If you haven’t signed up for the book club, it would be a good time to do so. I put no-charge PDF downloads on the thank-you page, just like our library, so take advantage of them. They’ll be changing every week, so it’s a page you’ll want to bookmark.

Yes, I’ll put a variety up there every week – some fiction, some self-help, some practical non-fiction, all you can use. At least 5 new titles every week. Of course, that’s a tall order to keep up. But you’re worth it, aren’t you?

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You’ve probably seen the Magic of Believing podcast come to life last week. We also saw the Think and Grow Rich podcast go live this week. I’ve got to finish up the rest of the episodes, but the one that’s there is a good start. All of these bring you the audio book and a PDF chapter of the book to study, just like the other book-casts. Of course, there are extras as we go. These are always posted on the Live Sensical podcast, so feel free to subscribe to that one as well.

There’s a couple more book-casts lined up and in the works, as well.

The whole point is to give you lots of help to improve your life anyway you want it.

And if you want to get some copies to refer to anytime you want, well the links are there for that. 😉

Your welcome.

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OK, that brings you up to speed for the week. Sorry I don’t have time to record a live message for you. You can understand that I’ve been a little more than busy just getting all this done.

I did set out a new podcast for “Selling Your Book Online” if you’re interested. “4 Whys and Hows to Successful Self-Publishing.

That’s enough for today, then.

Hope everything is going well for you and yours.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got this next week coming up with it’s own deadlines.

Leave a comment on the site, or drop me a line if you have something to say. Always nice to hear from you.

Later, then.


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