How to Get Your Audiobook Linked Up With Your Kindle (and Hardcopy) Books on Amazon

Just had an audiobook go live… by itself. Needs links.

So I was supposed to email somebody in Author Central about linking this with the Kindle version it was based on.

You see, they both have the same title, just different ASIN’s – and when they’re linked, they work to boost each other’s sales.

But all I was told was: email them. So I did – and here’s how you can, too:

(photocredit: rosefirerising)

There’s no easy way to find out how to do this, except dig through the inscrutable Help section on Amazon.

This link is: (Now that makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?)

The text on this page says this:

On the Contact Us page:

  1. Under “Select an issue,” select My Books.
  2. Under “Select details,” select Update information about a book.
  3. In the field that appears, select Update something else.
  4. In the next field that appears, select I want to link one edition of my book to another edition.
  5. Select how you would like to contact us.

How to contact them is either by email or by phone.

On email, I found the ASIN for each book, and then told them about the two books. That should do it.

They are linked together on Author Central, but don’t show up together out in the “real” (ie. paying) world. Funny, eh?

– – – –

Just wanted to make a note of this. Later, I’ll update (or write a sequel to) “Just Publish! Ebook Creation for Indie Authors.

PS. The book? How to Completely Change Your Life in 30 Seconds – Kindle version
and How to Completely Change Your Life in 30 Seconds – Audible version

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