Author Archives: Robert Worstell

Why digital sharecropping is doomed – and other notes on moving to Rainmaker

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here Thought I could get away from this for awhile while I move to Rainmaker, but moving makes dust – and dust makes you sneeze. Here’s some sneezes I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Audible, blogger, ganxy, Google Play, itfff, iTunes, sellfy, sharecropping, spoken word, tumblr, weebly, WordPress | Leave a comment

I’m Sorry – Updates Galore Coming Soon!

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here I’ve been quiet too long. And I apologize. It’s not that I don’t have stuff for you – I do. About 5 podcasts which have to be recorded … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Blogger (service), E-learning, google, iTunes, LinkedIn, New Rainmaker, Podcast, publishing, RSS | Leave a comment

I owe it all to you – Thanks. (Some notes on future-past.)

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here You are who I do all this work for.  Really. So this blog post and podcast is a thank you note. What did you do to deserve this? … Continue reading

Posted in Golden Rule, membership, napoleon hill, New Rainmaker, passive income, Podcast, publishing, self-publishing, think and grow rich | Leave a comment

How to Publish (and Sell) Your Next Book Back-Ass-Ward – 7 Steps to Breakthrough Success.

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here With all the false “conventional wisdom” out there, it’s surprising that you’d be reading something like this. I mean, all that stuff is supposed to work, isn’t it? … Continue reading

Posted in audience, autoresponder, ebooks, podcasting, self-publishing | Leave a comment

How to Self-Publish from India: A Case Study

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here How to Self-Publish from India: A Case Study It started when this reader from Chennai, India emailed me about one of my books being ripped off. He was … Continue reading

Posted in Blogger (service), Chennai, ebook, Flipkart, ganxy, google, IFTTT, India, internet cafe, LinkedIn, passive income, self-publishing | Leave a comment

The Rainmaker Solution: An Expensive Date That Turns Out to Be a Priceless BFF

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here The Rainmaker Solution – a BFF which starts as an expensive date. Have you ever been in this situation? Having a significant other who is costing you a … Continue reading

Posted in AWeber Communications, book, Copyblogger, livesensical, memberships, New Rainmaker, publishing | Leave a comment

Self Publishing: Employing Emissaries and Spies for More Profit

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here Spying is probably the oldest profession (well, excepting maybe one other). The most widely reprinted book on warfare (Sun Tzu’s Art of War) has a whole chapter on … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, E-book, emissary, google, iTunes, lulu, publishing, redirect link, secret, self-publishing, spy | Leave a comment

What Do You Really Want? Need Help? Just Ask…

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here Just an ad lib today. No real transcript this time. Just me talking to you. We’ve been around the pike and I’d like to hear what you need … Continue reading

Posted in answers, email, help, livesensical, opt-in, questions | Leave a comment

Why Digital Sharecropping Means FAIL – And How to Survive Podcasting Catastrophes (Part 1)

Just had all my years of files posted to vanish. Gone. Erased. Videos, PDFs, everything – gone. Of course, that also means all the podcasts to this blog. Thanks. Much. No email, just – “your account is locked” when … Continue reading

Posted in Apple Inc., digital sharecropping, disaster recovery, Google Drive, Internet Archive, iTunes, podcasting | Leave a comment

How to Survive Podcasting Catastrophes (Part 2) – Rainmaker to the Rescue

As mentioned last post, Internet Archives had suddenly dumped all my stuff and locked me out. They didn’t like my affiliate links, apparently. So I was left with all these podcasts to re-upload somewhere. I was looking to Rainmaker … Continue reading

Posted in catastrophe, digital sharecropping, Internet Archive, mp3, podcasting, resilience. | Leave a comment

When Book Marketing Becomes Just Another J.O.B.

Ever get fed up with stuff – when something you used to like to do has become just another chore? No, I’m not quite there yet with book publishing. But podcasting was taking me to the brink. You see, “conventional … Continue reading

Posted in Audiobook, book publishing, CD, Compact Disc, DVD, iTunes, job, podcasting, publishing, schedule | Leave a comment

How to Market Your Book Online – My Last Recipe

This podcast available for download. This is the (final) recipe for marketing a book online.  And because of the breakthroughs below, you may not hear from me for awhile. But don’t worry, I’ll give you links at the end so … Continue reading

Posted in iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, publishing, recipe, Search engine optimization, self-publishing | Leave a comment

How to Publish 76 Books In a Year

…And Earn a 6-Figure Passive Income for Life This podcast available for download. So much for that hiatus. Since you’re one of the brilliant, charismatic followers of this blog and podcast, you know I just gave you a complete brain … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, E-book, google, iTunes, lulu, passive income, public domain, publishing, steve scott | Leave a comment

Lessons Learned from Steve Scott

When I last left you, I was involved in an over-excited discovery about how to create an online empire from a single year’s worth of concentrated effort. Then I kept going for three more days, sorting out all the questions … Continue reading

Posted in Affiliate marketing, Amazon Kindle, analysis, ebook, income, Podcast, self-publishing, steve scott | Leave a comment

How Steve Scott left Habit Stacking money on the table with his (former) bestseller

The point is branding and trademarks. Once he had his bestselling book (and made as much as $61K per month off of it and a few others) he went on to writing books on habits in general rather than doubling … Continue reading

Posted in book publishing, brand, ebook, Landing page, online book sales, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, steve scott, trademark, writing | Leave a comment

How to Create a Popular Non-Fiction Amazon Bestseller

Who wants to be the next Steve Scott? You and I are still trying to routinely crack the bestseller ranks on Amazon. Steve has done this several times. How he did it takes some sleuthing. How you could do it … Continue reading

Posted in bestseller, books, idea, non-fiction, readers, sell, steve scott, story, subject, work, writer, writing | Leave a comment

8 Steps to Solving Any Problem

From an upcoming Amazon book:  “Business Life: 2 Amazing Ways to Solve Any Problem” This graphic available online at Get Your Copy Today!

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My Google Play Books Were Killed and Replaced With Zombies

Your browser does not support the video element. Download this podcast They came for a friend of mine first, and I didn’t have anything to say. Then they came for me. Then I did want to say something, but it was … Continue reading

Posted in, livesensical, lulu, public domain, publishing, smashwords | Leave a comment

6 Simple Steps That Guarantee Your Publishing Success

Hello again, I actually had a rant ready to spring on you, but decided against it. This is the holidays after all. And it goes against my grain to simply diss someone for acting stupid and selfishly. So, we’ll leave … Continue reading

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Spammers in Your Google Analytics – False Positives

Definitive Guide to Removing Google Analytics Spam – Analytics Edge Sad, but true. There’s a weird scene that happens when people put links into your analytics, hoping you’ll click on their link and buy their stuff or pick up their … Continue reading

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How to Write Less and Publish More – A Rich Adventure

You should be seeing a podcast audio file from – If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element. Can you actually write less and profit more? Introduction Deep in the heart of … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, ebook, entrepreneur, livesensical, paperback, Podcast, self-publishng, short read | Leave a comment

Track and Prosper – Bitly Redirect Links

Harnessing the Power of UTM Parameters with Bitly – Bitly | Blog You need to track which of your books is giving you link-love. Particularly, which ones are generating leads, which from from the Look Inside. Yes, the primary reason … Continue reading

Posted in Book Industry Study Group, International Standard Book Number, iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, Portable Document Format, publishing | Leave a comment

How to Completely Fail and Go Broke in Public Domain Publishing

Bottom line: it’s all a numbers game that’s been rigged against newcomers. Let’s go over some patently obvious facts: 1. Public Domain books are a commodity. They are sold like cattle at auction. People buy as low as they can. … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, broke, E-book, public domain, publishing | Leave a comment

Beyond the Ebook: More, Bigger, Self-Publishing Profits

Missed Profits Following Conventional Wisdom Conventional Wisdom (which is usually 95% wrong) says you should be happy with your ebooks and how they are selling. The problem with that logic is that the biggest sellers aren’t doing that. The biggest … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, createspace, ebokos, hardback, income, lulu, paperback, profit, royalty, sweet spot | Leave a comment

Only Change Remains Constant – OOps

Thanks for all your patience during these last few years. [Update: Well, that didn’t work. The RSS feed is back as it always has been. All I learned from that is such a move is a great way to drive … Continue reading

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Trolls and Bullies, in the Kindle Author Graveyard

Would you believe me if I said I had proof of Amazon KDP being a bully? How about that they are trolls as well? Well, it happened to me like this: I had a book up which got a DMCA complaint … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, book publishing, bullies, kindle, public domain, self-publishing, trolls | Leave a comment

New news on the Classics You Should Know book club

Hi there, Just wanted to keep you up to date. “Classics You Should Know” is live with plenty – a week’s worth of books for you. We’re still working on the bubble-wrap they came in, so we’ll get some more … Continue reading

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The Four Whys and Four Hows of Successful Self-Publishing

The Four Whys and Four Hows of Successful Self-Publishing After now over a decade of self-publishing, I thought to give you some hints about what you’re up against. It isn’t all that pretty, but it can be made to work. The … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, ebook, publishing, self-publishing, smashwords | Leave a comment

Is the Content Inc. Model a Good Fit for Author-Publishers?

Is the Content Inc. Model a Good Fit for Author-Publishers? Short answer is “yes.” Long answer is “depends.” Depends if you get what he’s saying, understand it, and put it to work. The bottom line is that author-publishers are content … Continue reading

Posted in author, content inc, joe pulizzi, publisher | Leave a comment

Reviving Frankenstein: Making PLR Publishing Profitable

Reviving Frankenstein: Making PLR Publishing Profitable PLR is long from dead, although the amount of really bad stuff out there can make you wish it was. It still sells. I have a certain set of PLR ebooks which continue to … Continue reading

Posted in frankenstein, monster, plr, Private label rights, self-publishing | Leave a comment

How to Shift into Online Business Gears You Probably Don’t Know Exist

Imagine that you had a car that only had two speeds – reverse, and low. Wouldn’t that be frustrating? You’d probably be able to go faster backwards than you could forwards. Yet this is the scene that most businesses have. Because … Continue reading

Posted in Business, entrepreneur, promotion, self-publishing | Leave a comment

Exploding Sales Funnel Fraud

How to Resolve and Expand Your Audience Out Of Trust The core value any online commerce runs on is trust. Yet business schools don’t teach this. They are instead given all sorts of models to use which take them away from … Continue reading

Posted in audience, self-publsihing, Social media, trust | Leave a comment

The Hummingbird That Protects You From Amazon Going South

Because you never know when things will go to hell. Being prepared is a good option to keep open. You’ve probably heard this pharse or some version: “Plan your work, work your plan and always carry a spare.” Another one … Continue reading

Posted in, book, hummingbird, self-hosted, self-publishing | Leave a comment

BitTorrent Bundles Becomes the Ultimate Book Distributor

BitTorrent Bundles Becomes the Ultimate Book Distributor I’ve spent some time discussing (and dissing) Tim Ferris for having to promote his work on BitTorrent because he published through CreateSpace instead of Lulu. But you can’t fault the results. As a … Continue reading

Posted in bittorrent, bundle, distributor, ebook, self-publishing | Leave a comment

Got Your Ears On? Here’s Great Audiobook News…

Got Your Ears On? Here’s Great Audiobook News… What changes a couple of years make… There is finally an alternative to ACX, which allows an actual improvement in audiobook quality… [Hey – thanks for finding this podcast. When you visit … Continue reading

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The Care and Feeding of Book Distributors

The Care and Feeding of Book Distributors Like the first rule of publishing, that books are containers of ideas (and not one set format) book distributors have to be studied with the idea they are… [Hey – thanks for finding … Continue reading

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Hub and Spoke Marketing For Books

Hub and Spoke Marketing For Books On tallying up all the distributors I’ve been able to find, one point emerged: there are distributors at every level and for every version of your book, who… [Hey – thanks for finding this … Continue reading

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Courses – The Final Frontier of Book Publishing

Courses – The Final Frontier of Book Publishing To boldly publish where few authors have gone before… Most people have heard and swallowed the hype that ebooks are all there is to… [Hey – thanks for finding this podcast. When … Continue reading

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The Beginner’s Book Launch – How to Survive and Prosper

The Beginner’s Book Launch – How to Survive and Prosper It’s time I collated all the material on book launches to sort out how to do this and give myself a plan I can follow. The… [Hey – thanks for … Continue reading

Posted in self-publishing, Selling Your Books Online | Leave a comment

Self-Publishing Secrets Every Author Should Know

Self-Publishing Secrets Every Author Should Know I stumbled across these while researching and testing. I haven’t seen them anywhere else, and they they are extremely practical ideas. First,… [Hey – thanks for finding this podcast. When you visit the site, … Continue reading

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How to Publish Public Domain Books and Profit Nearly Forever – Part 3

How to Publish Public Domain Books and Profit Nearly Forever – Part 3 By now, as you’ve followed my articles, blogs, books, and podcasts, you’ve seen a remarkable evolution in… [Hey – thanks for finding this podcast. When you visit … Continue reading

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How to Publish Public Domain Books and Profit Nearly Forever – Part 4

How to Publish Public Domain Books and Profit Nearly Forever – Part 4 The way to market public domain books is to add value. You want to leverage all possible versions of each title in order to… [Hey – thanks … Continue reading

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A Simple Marketing Strategy for Beginning Authors

A Simple Marketing Strategy for Beginning Authors It came to me as a simple way to leverage all your books and explain the three-book marketing system others have alluded to. This just puts some… [Hey – thanks for finding this … Continue reading

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New Books and Tools to Improve Your Writing

New Books and Tools to Improve Your Writing …and lots of stuff to help you publish better, faster, easier. Hi there , I haven’t talked to you directly for some time, but thought to give… [Hey – thanks for finding … Continue reading

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4 Simple, Smart Ways to Book Launch Success

The Smart Ways to a Successful Book Launch Has Four Routes I’ve been doing some study again, and found the truth in this phrase: “No one school has all the teachers.” (An ancient Polynesian saying.) A book I recently released, … Continue reading

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How to Hack Amazon Algorithms: Publish Backwards

How to Hack Amazon Algorithms By Starting at the End. I had yet another book to launch. As you know, I like to work backwards on these things. The phrase (attributed earliest to Socrates) is: “Begin with the end in … Continue reading

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4 Simple Author Models to Use For Your Ultimate Success

(Download this audio – Click here.) There are four basic journey-choices you can make to get all the success you want as an author. Some of these are known, some can be observed. At least one… [Hey – thanks for … Continue reading

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Playing the Long Game to Win at Life and Self-Publishing

Playing the Long Game to Win at Life and Self-Publishing …isn’t that hard, but it seems to be a skill to master that isn’t commonly taught Hi there , This week brought to view the… [Hey – thanks for finding … Continue reading

Posted in self-publishing, Selling Your Books Online | Leave a comment

The Secret Lives of Books: How Authors Midwife New Classics

(Download this audio – Click Here.) You may not believe this, but the Classics you have read may be just as alive as you… (Considering authors as midwives to the life contained in a… [Hey – thanks for finding this … Continue reading

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Backwards Book Publishing: Save time, Earn More, Work Less

(Click here to download audio.) Publishing The Backwards Book The Scene You Face The situation that most starting authors have (and I’ve seen the same thing you’ve run into) is: How the… [Hey – thanks for finding this podcast. When … Continue reading

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