Author Archives: Robert Worstell

First Dawn – New Fiction Writing by C. C. Brower

“First Dawn” – New Fiction Writing by C. C. Brower Part of a soon to be released book: “The Hooman Saga” Sue woke just before daybreak, not used to having time defined by the sun instead of the ship-schedule. Tig … Continue reading

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This Strategy Builds Your Writing & Publishing Success

This Strategy Builds Your Writing & Publishing Success One size doesn’t ever fit all. Because we are individuals. And also why no advice is useful until you test it. I like the phrase, “Opinion is like a belly button, everybody … Continue reading

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The Great Fiction Writing Challenge – Week 52 (Final) Results

The Great Fiction Writing Challenge – Week 52 (Final) Results Finished the anthologies for this year. 7 more. Continued on writing the book with all the craft I learned this past year. With any luck, I’ll publish it today/early tomorrow. Metrics Published Words Fiction: … Continue reading

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The Great Writing Audience Challenge – Week 01 Results

The new year’s challenge starts afresh. Lots of opportunities present themselves as I learn from the earlier two challenges through patient analysis… The Great Writing Audience Challenge – Week 01 Results Metrics Subscribers: Instafreebie/PW: 113/441 (25.6%) 1 non-IF, 33 no-openers moved … Continue reading

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The Great Writing Audience Challenge – Week 41 Results

Courses continue to be the focus, as I streamline the production to maintain output of my regular publishing. Shifting off finding fiction readers and onto leveraging non-fiction topsellers… “See the challenges in your life as fuel to fire you up. … Continue reading

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The Great Writing Audience Challenge – Week 52 Results

Now that the relative insanity of 2020 is over, we can cautiously peek out and hope for something better – but from our own efforts and our own goals… “It’s better to walk alone than with a crowd going the … Continue reading

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