Category Archives: agent

Why Self-Publishing on Kobo’s Writing Life Makes Sense

Just discovered this site recently and was very impressed. If you already have a epub file, it’s simpler than anything else to get it uploaded and on offer internationally. They are already known for global sales, this lets you in … Continue reading

Posted in agent, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, kobo, lulu, publishing, self-publishing, writing life | Leave a comment

The Odd Fascination with Literary Agents by Self-Publishing Authors

Self-Publishers Need a Book Agent? Really? What is it exactly that “literary agents” do again? Oh, they take a percentage of your income to make sure you are represented by book publishers. Come again? Highgate Cemetery, East (15) Tony Worrall … Continue reading

Posted in agent, author, books, ebooks, marketing, publishing, self-publishing, success | Leave a comment

How Amazon “Review-Addiction” is Wasting Your Time

photocredit: “bastique” from Flickr Getting a grip on Amazon’s multiplying sock-puppet problem. I’ve been doing some research today on Amazon’s review scene. This is because it’s become clear that the conventional wisdom  is “if you want to make a decent … Continue reading

Posted in agent, amazon, author, books, distribution, ebooks, google, kindle, publishers, publishing, self-publishing, SEO | Leave a comment