Category Archives: Amanda Hocking

How to Publish Public Domain Books and Profit Nearly Forever – Part 2

(continued from Part 1) The How-To Tips of Publishing PD and PLR to Profit From Here On Out (Photo: Simon Cunningham) Sorry I didn’t give you exact steps last time. (Of course, you can get this from my books, “Just … Continue reading

Posted in Amanda Hocking,, Google Play, iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, public domain, publishing, Stephen King | 1 Comment

Why It’s Great to Be An Indie Publisher Now – Profit Forever

Why I Love Indie Publishing – Perpetual Passive Income Makes My Day. Oh, that’s right – I already wrote about this… I was reminded when I was looking to see if anyone else had been writing about publishing public domain … Continue reading

Posted in Amanda Hocking, Amazon Kindle, google, iTunes, Private label rights, public domain, publishing, Search engine optimization | 1 Comment

Getting Your Book Discovered, Finding More Sales, Having More Fun

Writing and publishing Your Book isn’t even half your job – the rest is getting it discovered so it sells and pays you back. (photo: Jayp0d) The third leg of the stool every author sits on is Discovery. (The first … Continue reading

Posted in Amanda Hocking, Amazon Kindle, google, iTunes, John Locke, publishing, Search engine optimization, Web search engine | Leave a comment

How to Build a Profitable Business Plan – Selling Your Books Online

(photo: PlanToo47) Most Authors Don’t Have a Business, or Even a Plan Don’t worry about it. That’s why 97% of everyone on this planet die broke, including most indie and conventional authors. Charles Dickens ran a business. So does Amanda … Continue reading

Posted in Amanda Hocking, Charles Dickens, Dorothea Brande, E-book, Golden Rule, iTunes, public domain, publishing, Stephen King | Leave a comment

Why Publishers Earn More Income than Self-Publishing Writers

(photo: Jeremy Brooks) Selling Books Online is What Publishers Do Best (Writers Write Best). I was looking over my “series of unfortunate events” post – which laid out how I got financially free once I started publishing books for a … Continue reading

Posted in Agatha Christie, Amanda Hocking, Arthur Conan Doyle, author, book, Golden Rule, iTunes, Jane Austen, publishing, Stephen King | Leave a comment

How to Use Common Sense (and Search Engines) to Market Your Self-Published Book

(Photo: daniel juliĆ  lundgren) Developing a Common Sense Marketing Plan for Self Publishing – Why So Hard? When something “makes sense”, it’s when the logic and emotion agree. This is the point of sales, actually. And sales are hard to … Continue reading

Posted in Amanda Hocking,, author, Google Play, iTunes, Kobo Inc., Private label rights, public domain, publishing, Search engine marketing | Leave a comment