Category Archives: Assembly line

How to Throw Away Perfectly Good Marketing and Make No Sales

What to Do When You Have Legacy Brand Mojo (Artwork: Wacky stuff) Public Domain publishing is profitable if 1) you take advantage of the brand awareness that already exists, and 2) you don’t do something stupid to make it undiscoverable. … Continue reading

Posted in, Assembly line, E-book, Google Play, International Standard Book Number, iTunes, OverDrive, Private label rights, public domain, publishing | Leave a comment

The Espresso Network – the 7th Book Distributor.

Found a new place for Indie Authors to Publish their books – the Espresso Network. (Photo: This was an interesting find – and wound up with another way for you to self-publish books. Yes, of course it’s free. The … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, Assembly line, author, E-book, ebook, Ebook Publishing, LeanPub, LibreOffice, lulu, Portable Document Format, publishing, smashwords | Leave a comment

How I Got My Financial Freedom from Publishing Books

(artwork: keep_bitcoin_real – modified) You can publish your way to financial freedom. I did. It’s a story I haven’t really told before, but probably should have. I’ve been publishing books since around 2007, according records on – where I … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, Assembly line, bestsellers, book sales, Bookselling, iTunes, Kobo Inc., lulu, public domain, publishing | Leave a comment

Solving Distractions and Getting Your Book Ready – Case Study 02

(Artwork: Birger King) You have to handle distractions to finish getting your book(s) ready for publishing. It’s not just the social media. It’s life itself. I’ve gone over the successful action of working in batches, of having a proven assembly … Continue reading

Posted in affilates, amazon, Assembly line, booksales, Flickr, google, iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, public domain, publishing, video | Leave a comment