Category Archives: audience

Your Audience, Your Responsibility, Your Advice

Any Writer Starts By Listening This comes up over and over again. People who listen can have conversations. People who “soapbox” often end up standing there alone. The key to successful books is writing for the audience. Sure, you may … Continue reading

Posted in audience, author, bestsellers, book, ebook, exchange, fiction, genre, popular, story, value, writing | Leave a comment

How to Publish (and Sell) Your Next Book Back-Ass-Ward – 7 Steps to Breakthrough Success.

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here With all the false “conventional wisdom” out there, it’s surprising that you’d be reading something like this. I mean, all that stuff is supposed to work, isn’t it? … Continue reading

Posted in audience, autoresponder, ebooks, podcasting, self-publishing | Leave a comment

Exploding Sales Funnel Fraud

How to Resolve and Expand Your Audience Out Of Trust The core value any online commerce runs on is trust. Yet business schools don’t teach this. They are instead given all sorts of models to use which take them away from … Continue reading

Posted in audience, self-publsihing, Social media, trust | Leave a comment