Category Archives: author

How to Get Started in Self Publishing…

Getting Started in Self-Publishing Your Books There’s a great deal being said about this area. My own books on Lulu – self-promotion, yes I know) gives me some years of experience in this area. And for so long, it’s been … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, createspace, ebooks, epub, kindle, lulu, mobi, publishing, self-publishing, smartphone, tablets | Leave a comment

Building a successful story you can publish

Building a story you can successfully self-publish Writing and self-publishing a story isn’t for the faint of heart, it has as much to do with persistence as it has to do with know-how and talent. In these days of plentiful … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, ebooks, napoleon hill, publishing, self-publishing, think and grow rich | Leave a comment

Getting success with your self-published ebooks on Kobo

Self-publishing ebooks on Kobo – Success! One of the fastest and easiest way you can publish your ebooks is on Kobo – better than any other one I’ve found. Here’s some of the reasons why: eReader eReaderx 4 years ago … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, ebooks, epub, kindle, kobo, marketing, publishing, self-publishing, writing life | Leave a comment

Can You Get Promotion as a Local Self-Published Author?

Local Authors Get the Limelight: Self-Published? Getting a local author book promoted is probably easier with self-publishing. With Lulu and Create Space to get your hardcopy versions out (how do you autograph an ebook?!?) – you can quickly turn on … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, createspace, ebooks, local, lulu, marketing, self-publishing | Leave a comment

The Odd Fascination with Literary Agents by Self-Publishing Authors

Self-Publishers Need a Book Agent? Really? What is it exactly that “literary agents” do again? Oh, they take a percentage of your income to make sure you are represented by book publishers. Come again? Highgate Cemetery, East (15) Tony Worrall … Continue reading

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Successfully Self-Publish Your Story – Starting Today!

Building a story you can successfully self-publish The story begins with your friends, family, and devoted readers – it’s what resides in their heart, that you have to coax out, which will tell you the steps you need to take … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, ebooks, napoleon hill, publishing, self-publishing, success, think and grow rich | Leave a comment

Wattpad Launching Author Books Through Self Publishing?

Can Wattpad Launch Self-Published Authors? Still doing my research on Wattpad. The reports say this is a big underground hit – way below the mainstream, but key to new authors (and older ones) to get feedback and critique on their … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, ebooks, marketing, publishing, self-publishing, success, wattpub | Leave a comment

How to post more than a dozen ebooks online within 7 days.

That concludes posting my self-published books  to Amazon and 5 others – whew! Just wanted to make a note of this while it’s still life in my head (as it were.) What we started out with was a tall (virtual) … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, ebooks, epub, kindle, kobo, lulu, mobi, tablets | Leave a comment

4 Simple Ways to Help Readers Find, Read, and Buy Your Self-Published Book

3 Reader-Driven Sites to Follow 4 Ways by Authors What any author wants is readers. And the wildly successful authors have a fan base they nurture. So it’s logical to simply utilize existing reader-driven community sites to build your fan … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, ebooks, epub, marketing, napoleon hill, publishing, self-publishing, think and grow rich, wattpub | Leave a comment

Audience (or lack of it) is Driving Traditional Publishing Authors to DIY.

How Money Changes Hands in Self-Publishing Ok, so we are on the cusp of some severe paradigm shifts (means hold on, things are changing real quick these days…) What’s the vital points to hold onto now? hand money stayupcowboy 4 … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, distribution, ebooks, marketing, publishing, self-publishing, success, wattpub | Leave a comment

How to Blog Your Book – or How to Self-Publish Your Book and Blog It.

How and Why to Blog First, Then Self-Publish Your Book Quite simple, really: you are already (or should be) blogging as a natural extension of your writing (at least posting to Wattpad…) So why not simply take your posts and … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, ebooks, lulu, marketing, publishing, self-publishing, success | Leave a comment

How to Best Profit from your KDP Select investment…

Promoting your free Kindle Indie Book – for maximum sales… Sure Amazon is trying to get everyone over the barrel. And people grouse about KDP Select controlling your ebook for 90 days – but there are ways to use their … Continue reading

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How to SEO your work – Indie Authors Guide

What do Indie Authors have to know about SEO? Just a few short links this morning. This stuff gets technical real fast. But if you had any questions, this might be a simple grounding… Interwovenmarketing 5 minutes ago This is … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, author, books, ebooks, google, marketing, SEO | Leave a comment

Social Media and Promoting Your Indie Book – How To’s

How to Tweet Your Booksales Up, or Like or Plus them there. Social Media is touted by many as the way Indie Authors can get fast recognition and booksales. They’re part-right, only. Social media is just tool out of your … Continue reading

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How Indie Authors Find (More) Readers: Goodreads

Goodreads: Probably the best place for Indie Authors to mingle and find new readers Of all the social sites which service the reading public, none seems more potent than Goodreads to do an author good. It’s not without it’s tricks, … Continue reading

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How to Leave a Nicely Walled Garden – Through the Cracks…

Beating Amazon at their own Game (or: how to game Amazon…) Studies show that Amazon isn’t what it used to be. Statistics are doing their usual song-and-dance, but tell that the big box giant may be around (or even below) … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, apple, author, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, ibookstore, KDP Select, kindle, kobo, lulu, marketing, self-publishing, writing life | Leave a comment

New Authors Publish Best on iBookstore? How Come?

How to Sell Your Book on the iBookstore – why does this work? My own experience strays from conventional “wisdom”. iBookstore outsells every other outlet by 4-1. And I’ll get into this below – the key questions are 1) How … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, apple, author, books, distribution, ebooks, google, ibookstore, KDP Select, kobo, lulu, smartphone, smashwords, tablets | Leave a comment

Beginning of a New Book Series

How to Write, Publish, and Sell Your Books Online That’s the general area we’ll be covering. Research is pretty much wrapped up now, and it just has to be laid out and edited. Best way to do this is by … Continue reading

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Book III Outline – “How to Sell a Book Online”

(Just to make a note of things. Yes, I also have some outlines for Book I and II, but this came together today, so I thought to make a record of it. Feel free to ask me questions about this … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, author, books, distribution, ebooks, kindle, lulu, marketing, publishers, publishing, self-publishing, SEO, smashwords, writing | Leave a comment

How Amazon “Review-Addiction” is Wasting Your Time

photocredit: “bastique” from Flickr Getting a grip on Amazon’s multiplying sock-puppet problem. I’ve been doing some research today on Amazon’s review scene. This is because it’s become clear that the conventional wisdom  is “if you want to make a decent … Continue reading

Posted in agent, amazon, author, books, distribution, ebooks, google, kindle, publishers, publishing, self-publishing, SEO | Leave a comment

J’APE – the parody of self-publishing – first draft

Well, you’re either going to be amused or offended.I didn’t originally plan for the book to come out this way – it was going to be a “serious” piece. But here’s the first draft. The parody part has to be … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, author, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, google, KDP Select, kindle, kobo, lulu, marketing, mobi, publishers, publishing, self-publishing, SEO | Leave a comment

2nd Draft Arrived today. New title, new cover.

–>Well, it’s a new approach to this, but the content is proofed based on the first. One suggestion ( +Rob Gol ) pointed out the parody error. So I lost it. Did the keyword research I needed and came up with … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, apple, author, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, google, KDP Select, kindle, kobo, publishing, self-publishing, writing | Leave a comment

Closing Chapter just arrived…

Chapter 5 – Your Book As I mentioned in the beginning, there is probably a book in you, working to get out. Most of us have a story there. One report has this at 70% – which would include you. … Continue reading

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Looks like final title – “publish ebook” as key keyword

“Just Publish! Ebook Creation for Indie Authors” “Learn how to write, design, format, upload, and sell your own book for low cost or free.” – – – – Of course, this means a new cover. And I’m having to figure … Continue reading

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Sales Page for “Just Publish!” (as it’s now known…)

(Thought you’d want to see the blurb which is previewing on my site right now, but won’t show up on Amazon until the book wraps up.) “Just Publish! Ebook Creation for Indie Authors” Learn how to write, design, format, upload, … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, author, books, ebook, epub, google, self-publishing, SEO, smartphone, smashwords, story, success, writing | Leave a comment

3 Views on Publishing – To Hell with Authorities

There are 3 views on (self-)publishing – leaving out those who don’t publish at all. 1. Traditional publishing, which is top-heavy and expensive and almost impossible to get a contract with – and has agents to take a percentage of … Continue reading

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Getting Your Book Shared – Social Media Buttons

Part of Discovery is Getting Your Readers to Share Let’s face it: your book isn’t going to go viral if it sits around in people’s ereaders and no one ever hears about it. And reviews may be nice, but people … Continue reading

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Your Audience, Your Responsibility, Your Advice

Any Writer Starts By Listening This comes up over and over again. People who listen can have conversations. People who “soapbox” often end up standing there alone. The key to successful books is writing for the audience. Sure, you may … Continue reading

Posted in audience, author, bestsellers, book, ebook, exchange, fiction, genre, popular, story, value, writing | Leave a comment

How to Keep the IRS From Nickel and Diming Your Book Income

A Little-Known Way to Get the IRS Off your Self-Publishing Back (Graphic: DonkeyHotkey) Just a (hopefully) short note about author earnings on Lulu. Stumbled on this while researching my recent posts and thought you’d want to know. Disclaimer: this isn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, author, book, E-book, Ebook Publishing, hardcopy, lulu, print version, publishing, self-publishing | Leave a comment

The Espresso Network – the 7th Book Distributor.

Found a new place for Indie Authors to Publish their books – the Espresso Network. (Photo: This was an interesting find – and wound up with another way for you to self-publish books. Yes, of course it’s free. The … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, Assembly line, author, E-book, ebook, Ebook Publishing, LeanPub, LibreOffice, lulu, Portable Document Format, publishing, smashwords | Leave a comment

Perfecting Passive Income Publishing for Profit

How to Make More Than Just a Living With Profitable Passive Income Publishing. (Image: WishIKnew…) It all started out by wanting to learn how to get books I’d written published and making enough to allow me to quit my day … Continue reading

Posted in author, book launch, epub, iTunes, Kobo Inc., LibreOffice, lulu, Market Samurai, public domain, publishing | Leave a comment

Why Publishers Earn More Income than Self-Publishing Writers

(photo: Jeremy Brooks) Selling Books Online is What Publishers Do Best (Writers Write Best). I was looking over my “series of unfortunate events” post – which laid out how I got financially free once I started publishing books for a … Continue reading

Posted in Agatha Christie, Amanda Hocking, Arthur Conan Doyle, author, book, Golden Rule, iTunes, Jane Austen, publishing, Stephen King | Leave a comment

Why You Don’t Have to Be a Bestselling Author to Get Financially Free

(Photo: Alfred Cunningham) To Make a Living as a Writer, You Only Have to Publish Books Well. Why keep beating your head against a perfectly good brick wall? Look over some facts: Some bad books sell well. Some great books … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, author, Dorothea Brande, Golden Rule, google, Google Play, iTunes, napoleon hill, public domain, publishing | Leave a comment

How to Use Common Sense (and Search Engines) to Market Your Self-Published Book

(Photo: daniel julià lundgren) Developing a Common Sense Marketing Plan for Self Publishing – Why So Hard? When something “makes sense”, it’s when the logic and emotion agree. This is the point of sales, actually. And sales are hard to … Continue reading

Posted in Amanda Hocking,, author, Google Play, iTunes, Kobo Inc., Private label rights, public domain, publishing, Search engine marketing | Leave a comment

Is the Content Inc. Model a Good Fit for Author-Publishers?

Is the Content Inc. Model a Good Fit for Author-Publishers? Short answer is “yes.” Long answer is “depends.” Depends if you get what he’s saying, understand it, and put it to work. The bottom line is that author-publishers are content … Continue reading

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