Category Archives: bittorrent

Your Ebook self-pubilshing future just happened.

This is the future of ebook self-publishing – here and now. Why wait for the big corporations to get their ebook readers which will support epub 3 so you can have video and audio along with your book? What GalleyCat … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, audio, bittorrent, E-book, epub3, future, Internet, publishing, self-publishing, video | Leave a comment

BitTorrent Bundles Becomes the Ultimate Book Distributor

BitTorrent Bundles Becomes the Ultimate Book Distributor I’ve spent some time discussing (and dissing) Tim Ferris for having to promote his work on BitTorrent because he published through CreateSpace instead of Lulu. But you can’t fault the results. As a … Continue reading

Posted in bittorrent, bundle, distributor, ebook, self-publishing | Leave a comment