Category Archives: Content marketing

How to Promote Your New Book via SEO

casebook-sherlock-holmes (Photo credit: midwestjournal) SEO isn’t really all that different than content-marketing your book – it’s attention to detail. What people call SEO is a constantly moving target. Used to be meta-tags, then it was domain names, then it moved … Continue reading

Posted in Backlink, blogging, Content marketing, Duplicate content, google, HubPages, iTunes, Meta element, Onlywire, Pinterest, publishing, Search engine optimization, SEO, Squidoo, Storify, synnd | Leave a comment

Rambling Prose and Lack of Focus Explain Why Tradition Publishing Fails

Traditional publishing Won’t Use the Tools That Make Indie Self-Publishing Work – They Can’t Afford Them. (art: Tobias Mikkelson) Found a great piece with gold nuggets in it.  His rambling prose is off-putting (how’s that for a typified descriptive phrase?) … Continue reading

Posted in Content marketing, Flickr, Goodreads, iTunes, LibreOffice, public domain, publishing, Search engine optimization, SEO, YouTube | Leave a comment

Authors: How to Podcast On a Lean Budget

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here Authors can get better discovery (and sales) for their books when they podcast.  Sadly, the tips and tricks on how to do this for low cost or free … Continue reading

Posted in Content marketing, ebook, JPEG, podcasting, publishing, self-publishing | Leave a comment