Category Archives: createspace

How to Get Started in Self Publishing…

Getting Started in Self-Publishing Your Books There’s a great deal being said about this area. My own books on Lulu – self-promotion, yes I know) gives me some years of experience in this area. And for so long, it’s been … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, createspace, ebooks, epub, kindle, lulu, mobi, publishing, self-publishing, smartphone, tablets | Leave a comment

Can You Get Promotion as a Local Self-Published Author?

Local Authors Get the Limelight: Self-Published? Getting a local author book promoted is probably easier with self-publishing. With Lulu and Create Space to get your hardcopy versions out (how do you autograph an ebook?!?) – you can quickly turn on … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, createspace, ebooks, local, lulu, marketing, self-publishing | Leave a comment

Some copyright notes – where to check for public domain issues

Some places to check for copyright orphans before you give up on that great public domain book. The safest approach is to only use books printed before 1923. That limits what people want to read, though, since the language and … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, createspace, Dorothea Brande, Internet Archive, kobo, lulu, public domain | Leave a comment

Beyond the Ebook: More, Bigger, Self-Publishing Profits

Missed Profits Following Conventional Wisdom Conventional Wisdom (which is usually 95% wrong) says you should be happy with your ebooks and how they are selling. The problem with that logic is that the biggest sellers aren’t doing that. The biggest … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, createspace, ebokos, hardback, income, lulu, paperback, profit, royalty, sweet spot | Leave a comment