Category Archives: google

How to SEO your work – Indie Authors Guide

What do Indie Authors have to know about SEO? Just a few short links this morning. This stuff gets technical real fast. But if you had any questions, this might be a simple grounding… Interwovenmarketing 5 minutes ago This is … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, author, books, ebooks, google, marketing, SEO | Leave a comment

New Authors Publish Best on iBookstore? How Come?

How to Sell Your Book on the iBookstore – why does this work? My own experience strays from conventional “wisdom”. iBookstore outsells every other outlet by 4-1. And I’ll get into this below – the key questions are 1) How … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, apple, author, books, distribution, ebooks, google, ibookstore, KDP Select, kobo, lulu, smartphone, smashwords, tablets | Leave a comment

How to Get Your Self-Published Book Discovered (Legacy Publishers: Hints…)

(graphic from While legacy publishers are having a hard time of getting their book discovered, indie self-publishers don’t have to. A quote from the review of a Digital Book World presentation (graphic above): Sixty-one percent of book purchases by frequent … Continue reading

Posted in agents, distribution, ebooks, google, marketing, publishers, self-publishing, SEO, writing | Leave a comment

How Amazon “Review-Addiction” is Wasting Your Time

photocredit: “bastique” from Flickr Getting a grip on Amazon’s multiplying sock-puppet problem. I’ve been doing some research today on Amazon’s review scene. This is because it’s become clear that the conventional wisdom  is “if you want to make a decent … Continue reading

Posted in agent, amazon, author, books, distribution, ebooks, google, kindle, publishers, publishing, self-publishing, SEO | Leave a comment

J’APE – the parody of self-publishing – first draft

Well, you’re either going to be amused or offended.I didn’t originally plan for the book to come out this way – it was going to be a “serious” piece. But here’s the first draft. The parody part has to be … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, author, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, google, KDP Select, kindle, kobo, lulu, marketing, mobi, publishers, publishing, self-publishing, SEO | Leave a comment

2nd Draft Arrived today. New title, new cover.

–>Well, it’s a new approach to this, but the content is proofed based on the first. One suggestion ( +Rob Gol ) pointed out the parody error. So I lost it. Did the keyword research I needed and came up with … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, apple, author, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, google, KDP Select, kindle, kobo, publishing, self-publishing, writing | Leave a comment

Sales Page for “Just Publish!” (as it’s now known…)

(Thought you’d want to see the blurb which is previewing on my site right now, but won’t show up on Amazon until the book wraps up.) “Just Publish! Ebook Creation for Indie Authors” Learn how to write, design, format, upload, … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, author, books, ebook, epub, google, self-publishing, SEO, smartphone, smashwords, story, success, writing | Leave a comment

How to Promote Your New Book via SEO

casebook-sherlock-holmes (Photo credit: midwestjournal) SEO isn’t really all that different than content-marketing your book – it’s attention to detail. What people call SEO is a constantly moving target. Used to be meta-tags, then it was domain names, then it moved … Continue reading

Posted in Backlink, blogging, Content marketing, Duplicate content, google, HubPages, iTunes, Meta element, Onlywire, Pinterest, publishing, Search engine optimization, SEO, Squidoo, Storify, synnd | Leave a comment

Lulu gets finicky about publishing ebooks – tsk, tsk.

Is the business plan for publishing public domain and PLR books dead? No, but the rumors would make you think so. (photo: seebrownflikr) Got this from Lulu today: Please note that we no longer accept public domain or other content … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, google, iTunes, kobo, lulu, Nook, public domain | Leave a comment

A Comparison of Distributors – Who’s on First?

Figured I owed you a no-holds-barred, warts-and-all review of the main distributors – from my experiences with them. The aggregators all charge something to post your ebook to the various distributors. Lulu is the cheapest, at 10%, Smashwords at around … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, google, GooglePlay, iTunes, lulu, Nook, public domain, Smashword | Leave a comment

Postcript: Tracking ebook links for fun and profit

Putting your ebook envoys to work in earning you income. (I got this surprisingly logical idea recently – which I’ve not heard anywhere else –  of how you figure out how your ebook is performing in bringing you additional traffic, … Continue reading

Posted in book, E-book, google, Hootsuite, HTML, iTunes, Landing page, publish | Leave a comment

The Copywriting Classics Publishing Post-Mortem

(photo: School of Veterinary Medicine) Racking up a queue of public domain classics for publishing, does seem like an hygienic assembly line at times. This post-mortem is a critique of what went well and could be improved on this latest … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Calibre, Dale Carnegie, google, iTunes, lulu, public domain, publish | Leave a comment

Adding a New Distributor for Book Discovery

More multiple eyeballs to add to your list of book-buying promotional outlets. (photo credit: Jackie) Which means more discovery and more sales = more income. Found it when I was chasing down a new series of books which had fallen … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, Goodreads, google, Internet Archive, LibraryThing, lulu, Shelfari | Leave a comment

How to Publish a Dozen Books in an Afternoon.

An afternoon’s work can get your next dozen books available to millions within 3 days. This came home to me today as I (finally) started publishing another batch of books I’d been polishing. Of course, it didn’t go smoothly – … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Calibre, google, ISBN, iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, Nook | Leave a comment

Tips to Increase Direct Sales From Google Play/Books

An Idea Came Up to Increase Your Sales and Commissions from Lulu I had last told you that I didn’t get much sales from Lulu, but they had the highest commissions. That’s if you use them to distribute your books … Continue reading

Posted in book sales, google, iTunes, links, Nook, self-publishing, Web search engine | Leave a comment

Solving Competition and Making Profits by Indie Publishing

Competition Can Be Both Good and Bad For Indie Publishing –  Particularly With Public Domain Books (photo: Ronel Reyes) Some ebook distributors don’t want you competing with other titles, others encourage it. Amazon and Google seem to be at different … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, Calibre (software), google, International Standard Book Number, iTunes, Kobo Inc., LibreOffice, lulu, Nook | Leave a comment

Why It’s Great to Be An Indie Publisher Now – Profit Forever

Why I Love Indie Publishing – Perpetual Passive Income Makes My Day. Oh, that’s right – I already wrote about this… I was reminded when I was looking to see if anyone else had been writing about publishing public domain … Continue reading

Posted in Amanda Hocking, Amazon Kindle, google, iTunes, Private label rights, public domain, publishing, Search engine optimization | 1 Comment

Solved: Amazon Just Rejected Your Self-Published eBook? No Problem.

Just had a couple of rejects from Amazon – I needed more choices for ecommerce, and found a solution. (Art: Daniel Broche) Amazon certainly isn’t the only game in town. When they reject your book, it certainly feels like that. … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, Android (operating system), Apple Inc., E-book, ereader, google, Google Play, LeanPub, Mobile payment, PayPal | Leave a comment

Getting Your Book Discovered, Finding More Sales, Having More Fun

Writing and publishing Your Book isn’t even half your job – the rest is getting it discovered so it sells and pays you back. (photo: Jayp0d) The third leg of the stool every author sits on is Discovery. (The first … Continue reading

Posted in Amanda Hocking, Amazon Kindle, google, iTunes, John Locke, publishing, Search engine optimization, Web search engine | Leave a comment

How to Edit a Book Into Shape and Stay Sane

The Route to Producing a Book Requires You Organize to Maintain Your Sanity. (Photo: Matt Elwood) This is always the rub. Editing is what most writers hire out. It’s also known as proofing. But it’s a craft on it’s own, … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, book launch, Calibre (software), E-book, google, iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, napoleon hill, publishing | Leave a comment

How to Build an Ecourse and What to Have In it.

(Photo: Ruschi) Building an online course is perfect for giving enough value to get people onto your list (and into your membership.) That’s the key point -giving away real value. Cheap stuff doesn’t cut it. This is another post in … Continue reading

Posted in book sales, books, google, IBooks, Internet, iTunes, Microsoft PowerPoint, publishing, smashwords, Web page, YouTube | Leave a comment

Why You Don’t Have to Be a Bestselling Author to Get Financially Free

(Photo: Alfred Cunningham) To Make a Living as a Writer, You Only Have to Publish Books Well. Why keep beating your head against a perfectly good brick wall? Look over some facts: Some bad books sell well. Some great books … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, author, Dorothea Brande, Golden Rule, google, Google Play, iTunes, napoleon hill, public domain, publishing | Leave a comment

Rough Getting Paid – Single-book Author Income

(Photo: Ruth Sharville) Some authors have only one book in them – how do they make a living as an author? These people write and publish (or not) – then move on with their lives. Much like the old Zen … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, Business, E-book, google, iTunes, lulu, passive income, publishing | Leave a comment

Finding Your Bliss – Self-Publishing Case Study 01

A Case Study in Self-Publishing – Progress doesn’t come easy… We’ll start with the Step 0 of self-publishing: ensure you are working on your bliss – something you are fascinated with and could talk to an avid listener forever. For … Continue reading

Posted in Affiliate marketing, Blogger (service), google, publishing, Search engine optimization, smashwords, YouTube | Leave a comment

Solving Distractions and Getting Your Book Ready – Case Study 02

(Artwork: Birger King) You have to handle distractions to finish getting your book(s) ready for publishing. It’s not just the social media. It’s life itself. I’ve gone over the successful action of working in batches, of having a proven assembly … Continue reading

Posted in affilates, amazon, Assembly line, booksales, Flickr, google, iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, public domain, publishing, video | Leave a comment

Getting Your Book Published and Marketed: Actions List – Case Study 03

Any Man (and his brilliant wife) Knows – Things Get Done When You Have a List: Self-Publishing Truth. (Photo: Rob and Stephanie Levy) There are lots of details to get done when you publish books, let alone market them. And … Continue reading

Posted in Blogger (service), google, iTunes, Market Samurai, publishing, Search engine optimization, Web search engine, YouTube | Leave a comment

At last, you’re published – telling the world: Case Study 05

(Photo: “Riverside Stompers – Wolfgang Straka 2007 e”) Time to let the world know about your book. Technically, you’ve been published ever since you first submitted to Lulu to get your ISBN. The completely-published part was when you got it … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, Blog, Blogger (service), E-learning, google, IBooks, iTunes, publishing, Search engine optimization, YouTube | Leave a comment

Save Time, Save Money, Get Loved – Case Study 06

(Graphic: How to Save Time and Money – and Find Love. Well – link-love, anyway. We’re talking social media here. Many of these are interlinked with various programs that will send your status updates, and even post blogs for … Continue reading

Posted in, Backlink, Blog, E-book, google, HTML, iTunes, Market Samurai, Search engine optimization | Leave a comment

Getting Started on a Right Foot – with Online Book Selling: Case Study 07

(Photo:  Augustus Binu) Your site is the right first step to take in getting your book selling online. There I was, running through all these to-do spreadsheet list actions – and I realized I’d skipped over a huge piece of this … Continue reading

Posted in AWeber Communications, book, google, Google Analytics, Landing page, Market Samurai, RSS, Search engine optimization, WordPress | Leave a comment

What Begins Well, Goes Well – and You Can Always Start Over

So, I was all set to get back to publishing books – when I discovered I really should drop back and punt. (Not hand it over to someone else, but like you’re playing as a kid and doing both sides … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, Blogger (service), book, Ebook Publishing, google, IPhone, iTunes, napoleon hill, publishing | Leave a comment

How I Fouled up Self-Publishing My New Book Series – Case Study 10

(…and what you can do to avoid this mistake) (Yes, I know – Fouled up isn’t the same as Fowl, which isn’t a cute chickie…) Your browser does not support the audio element. Video edition: OK, I got busy getting … Continue reading

Posted in Blogger (service), Children's books, ebook, google, Google Analytics, Landing page, Search engine optimization, Web content, Website | Leave a comment

When Your Case Study Becomes the Next Case Study (11)

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here This could have happened to you – or maybe not. The scene was this: I was listening to some podcasts while working (as radio these days is nearly … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, Blog, Blogger (service), google, iTunes, publishing, RSS, YouTube | Leave a comment

I’m Sorry – Updates Galore Coming Soon!

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here I’ve been quiet too long. And I apologize. It’s not that I don’t have stuff for you – I do. About 5 podcasts which have to be recorded … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Blogger (service), E-learning, google, iTunes, LinkedIn, New Rainmaker, Podcast, publishing, RSS | Leave a comment

How to Self-Publish from India: A Case Study

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here How to Self-Publish from India: A Case Study It started when this reader from Chennai, India emailed me about one of my books being ripped off. He was … Continue reading

Posted in Blogger (service), Chennai, ebook, Flipkart, ganxy, google, IFTTT, India, internet cafe, LinkedIn, passive income, self-publishing | Leave a comment

Self Publishing: Employing Emissaries and Spies for More Profit

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here Spying is probably the oldest profession (well, excepting maybe one other). The most widely reprinted book on warfare (Sun Tzu’s Art of War) has a whole chapter on … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, E-book, emissary, google, iTunes, lulu, publishing, redirect link, secret, self-publishing, spy | Leave a comment

How to Publish 76 Books In a Year

…And Earn a 6-Figure Passive Income for Life This podcast available for download. So much for that hiatus. Since you’re one of the brilliant, charismatic followers of this blog and podcast, you know I just gave you a complete brain … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, E-book, google, iTunes, lulu, passive income, public domain, publishing, steve scott | Leave a comment