Category Archives: Google Play

The only Constant is Change – ebook publishing continues to shift.

(photocredit: Nikki L.) Of course, I owe you an update on “Just Publish: Ebook Creation for Indie Authors” – because there have been so many changes going and coming around. If I haven’t already let you know otherwise, I’ve got … Continue reading

Posted in epub, Google Play, iTunes, lulu, publishing, Sigil, Smashword, Table of contents | Leave a comment

How to Drive Yourself Sane – Checklist for Self-Publlshing

It’s easier to plan things out and work your plan, especially when publishing many books at once. (photocredit: Seattle Municipal Archives) (I’ve been owing you an update to “Just Publish!” [see links above right] – and this isn’t a complete … Continue reading

Posted in Google Play, iTunes, John Locke, LibreOffice, OpenOffice, public domain, publish, Stephen King | Leave a comment

How to Throw Away Perfectly Good Marketing and Make No Sales

What to Do When You Have Legacy Brand Mojo (Artwork: Wacky stuff) Public Domain publishing is profitable if 1) you take advantage of the brand awareness that already exists, and 2) you don’t do something stupid to make it undiscoverable. … Continue reading

Posted in, Assembly line, E-book, Google Play, International Standard Book Number, iTunes, OverDrive, Private label rights, public domain, publishing | Leave a comment

Cracking the Lulu ebook Reject Problem

A faster way to clear up those cryptic Lulu ebook rejects. Just a note in passing… I was working away converting and uploading when I stumbled on a faster and surer way to get your book through that meatgrinder that … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, E-book, epub, Google Play, HTML, LibreOffice, Portable Document Format, public domain, publishing | Leave a comment

How to Publish Public Domain Books and Profit Nearly Forever – Part 2

(continued from Part 1) The How-To Tips of Publishing PD and PLR to Profit From Here On Out (Photo: Simon Cunningham) Sorry I didn’t give you exact steps last time. (Of course, you can get this from my books, “Just … Continue reading

Posted in Amanda Hocking,, Google Play, iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, public domain, publishing, Stephen King | 1 Comment

Solved: Amazon Just Rejected Your Self-Published eBook? No Problem.

Just had a couple of rejects from Amazon – I needed more choices for ecommerce, and found a solution. (Art: Daniel Broche) Amazon certainly isn’t the only game in town. When they reject your book, it certainly feels like that. … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, Android (operating system), Apple Inc., E-book, ereader, google, Google Play, LeanPub, Mobile payment, PayPal | Leave a comment

A New Test of Successful Book Publishing and Marketing – From Scratch

Starting a new and successful book from scratch and marketing it – all as a test and lesson (Photo: Thomas Leuthard) We’re starting a new book, with a supporting book series, and are going to show you from start to … Continue reading

Posted in Dorothea Brande, Golden Rule, Google Play, iTunes, napoleon hill, public domain, publishers, publishing, self-publishing, SEO, think and grow rich | Leave a comment

Why You Don’t Have to Be a Bestselling Author to Get Financially Free

(Photo: Alfred Cunningham) To Make a Living as a Writer, You Only Have to Publish Books Well. Why keep beating your head against a perfectly good brick wall? Look over some facts: Some bad books sell well. Some great books … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, author, Dorothea Brande, Golden Rule, google, Google Play, iTunes, napoleon hill, public domain, publishing | Leave a comment

How to Use Common Sense (and Search Engines) to Market Your Self-Published Book

(Photo: daniel juliĆ  lundgren) Developing a Common Sense Marketing Plan for Self Publishing – Why So Hard? When something “makes sense”, it’s when the logic and emotion agree. This is the point of sales, actually. And sales are hard to … Continue reading

Posted in Amanda Hocking,, author, Google Play, iTunes, Kobo Inc., Private label rights, public domain, publishing, Search engine marketing | Leave a comment

Why digital sharecropping is doomed – and other notes on moving to Rainmaker

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here Thought I could get away from this for awhile while I move to Rainmaker, but moving makes dust – and dust makes you sneeze. Here’s some sneezes I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Audible, blogger, ganxy, Google Play, itfff, iTunes, sellfy, sharecropping, spoken word, tumblr, weebly, WordPress | Leave a comment