Category Archives: iAmplify

What’s the difference between professional self-publishing digital products and everything else?

(photocredit: Sudden Fiction) There’s a gulf between pro and amateur audiobook distributors – to succeed, you have to prove you’re one and not the other. (Fourth in a series about audiobook publishing.) A review of iAmplify and OverDrive for audiobook … Continue reading

Posted in, Audiobook, Clickbank, iAmplify, Online advertising, OverDrive, Private label rights, publish | Leave a comment

The “Eyeball” Marketing Strategy for Self-Published eBooks

(photocredit: Skrewtape) The simplicity of ebook sales can be simply stated: Get Your eBook in Front of as Many Eyeballs as Possible. But it’s not all that simple.  Sure, there are at least 7 main distributors of ebooks. (And there’s … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, E-book, Flickr, GooglePlay, iAmplify, iTunes, kobo, publish | Leave a comment

Book Marketing That Actually Works: Part 2

The soul of your marketing journey is Copywriting. Copywriting is communication, it’s actually telling the story of a product or service and inviting a potential customer along for the journey – or giving that individual a tool or weapon or … Continue reading

Posted in book, iAmplify, iTunes, Joseph Campbell, LeanPub, lulu, Portable Document Format, publish | Leave a comment