Category Archives: Internet

Is there any Real Money in public domain (self-)publishing?

Why you can make a financially free lifestyle with public domain (self-)publishing, but getting rich (quickly) is elusive. (Photo: Jeneraly) For several years, I’ve been evolving the business plan of re-publishing public domain books as an off-shoot of self-publishing, Recent … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, Copyright, E-book, Internet, iTunes, Kobo Inc., lulu, public domain, publishing | Leave a comment

The Book Income Sales Web You Build

Your Online Book Selling Income is Closer to a Web by Design (photo: Josef A. Stuefer) When you sell your books online, you aren’t just trying to get them to sell on Amazon. This is actually a bit backwards (even … Continue reading

Posted in Business marketing, E-book, Electronic publishing, How-to, Internet, List of best-selling books, marketing, Marketing strategy, Social media, Web search engine | Leave a comment

How to Build an Ecourse and What to Have In it.

(Photo: Ruschi) Building an online course is perfect for giving enough value to get people onto your list (and into your membership.) That’s the key point -giving away real value. Cheap stuff doesn’t cut it. This is another post in … Continue reading

Posted in book sales, books, google, IBooks, Internet, iTunes, Microsoft PowerPoint, publishing, smashwords, Web page, YouTube | Leave a comment

Your Ebook self-pubilshing future just happened.

This is the future of ebook self-publishing – here and now. Why wait for the big corporations to get their ebook readers which will support epub 3 so you can have video and audio along with your book? What GalleyCat … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, audio, bittorrent, E-book, epub3, future, Internet, publishing, self-publishing, video | Leave a comment