Category Archives: John Locke

How to Drive Yourself Sane – Checklist for Self-Publlshing

It’s easier to plan things out and work your plan, especially when publishing many books at once. (photocredit: Seattle Municipal Archives) (I’ve been owing you an update to “Just Publish!” [see links above right] – and this isn’t a complete … Continue reading

Posted in Google Play, iTunes, John Locke, LibreOffice, OpenOffice, public domain, publish, Stephen King | Leave a comment

Getting Your Book Discovered, Finding More Sales, Having More Fun

Writing and publishing Your Book isn’t even half your job – the rest is getting it discovered so it sells and pays you back. (photo: Jayp0d) The third leg of the stool every author sits on is Discovery. (The first … Continue reading

Posted in Amanda Hocking, Amazon Kindle, google, iTunes, John Locke, publishing, Search engine optimization, Web search engine | Leave a comment