Category Archives: KDP Select

How to Best Profit from your KDP Select investment…

Promoting your free Kindle Indie Book – for maximum sales… Sure Amazon is trying to get everyone over the barrel. And people grouse about KDP Select controlling your ebook for 90 days – but there are ways to use their … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, author, books, ebooks, KDP Select, kindle | Leave a comment

Bittorrent Book Marketing – the way of the future?

How to Market a Book via Bittorrent – the Tim Ferriss Way [Update:  Here’s the how to make your own BitTorrent bundle to promote your ebooks.] These days, a book isn’t just about the words you used to craft … Continue reading

Posted in bittorrrent, books, distribution, KDP Select, lulu, marketing, self-publishing, smartphone | Leave a comment

How to Leave a Nicely Walled Garden – Through the Cracks…

Beating Amazon at their own Game (or: how to game Amazon…) Studies show that Amazon isn’t what it used to be. Statistics are doing their usual song-and-dance, but tell that the big box giant may be around (or even below) … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, apple, author, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, ibookstore, KDP Select, kindle, kobo, lulu, marketing, self-publishing, writing life | Leave a comment

New Authors Publish Best on iBookstore? How Come?

How to Sell Your Book on the iBookstore – why does this work? My own experience strays from conventional “wisdom”. iBookstore outsells every other outlet by 4-1. And I’ll get into this below – the key questions are 1) How … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, apple, author, books, distribution, ebooks, google, ibookstore, KDP Select, kobo, lulu, smartphone, smashwords, tablets | Leave a comment

J’APE – the parody of self-publishing – first draft

Well, you’re either going to be amused or offended.I didn’t originally plan for the book to come out this way – it was going to be a “serious” piece. But here’s the first draft. The parody part has to be … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, author, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, google, KDP Select, kindle, kobo, lulu, marketing, mobi, publishers, publishing, self-publishing, SEO | Leave a comment

2nd Draft Arrived today. New title, new cover.

–>Well, it’s a new approach to this, but the content is proofed based on the first. One suggestion ( +Rob Gol ) pointed out the parody error. So I lost it. Did the keyword research I needed and came up with … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, apple, author, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, google, KDP Select, kindle, kobo, publishing, self-publishing, writing | Leave a comment