Category Archives: kobo

Why Self-Publishing on Kobo’s Writing Life Makes Sense

Just discovered this site recently and was very impressed. If you already have a epub file, it’s simpler than anything else to get it uploaded and on offer internationally. They are already known for global sales, this lets you in … Continue reading

Posted in agent, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, kobo, lulu, publishing, self-publishing, writing life | Leave a comment

Getting success with your self-published ebooks on Kobo

Self-publishing ebooks on Kobo – Success! One of the fastest and easiest way you can publish your ebooks is on Kobo – better than any other one I’ve found. Here’s some of the reasons why: eReader eReaderx 4 years ago … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, ebooks, epub, kindle, kobo, marketing, publishing, self-publishing, writing life | Leave a comment

How to post more than a dozen ebooks online within 7 days.

That concludes posting my self-published books  to Amazon and 5 others – whew! Just wanted to make a note of this while it’s still life in my head (as it were.) What we started out with was a tall (virtual) … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, ebooks, epub, kindle, kobo, lulu, mobi, tablets | Leave a comment

How to Leave a Nicely Walled Garden – Through the Cracks…

Beating Amazon at their own Game (or: how to game Amazon…) Studies show that Amazon isn’t what it used to be. Statistics are doing their usual song-and-dance, but tell that the big box giant may be around (or even below) … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, apple, author, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, ibookstore, KDP Select, kindle, kobo, lulu, marketing, self-publishing, writing life | Leave a comment

New Authors Publish Best on iBookstore? How Come?

How to Sell Your Book on the iBookstore – why does this work? My own experience strays from conventional “wisdom”. iBookstore outsells every other outlet by 4-1. And I’ll get into this below – the key questions are 1) How … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, apple, author, books, distribution, ebooks, google, ibookstore, KDP Select, kobo, lulu, smartphone, smashwords, tablets | Leave a comment

J’APE – the parody of self-publishing – first draft

Well, you’re either going to be amused or offended.I didn’t originally plan for the book to come out this way – it was going to be a “serious” piece. But here’s the first draft. The parody part has to be … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, author, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, google, KDP Select, kindle, kobo, lulu, marketing, mobi, publishers, publishing, self-publishing, SEO | Leave a comment

2nd Draft Arrived today. New title, new cover.

–>Well, it’s a new approach to this, but the content is proofed based on the first. One suggestion ( +Rob Gol ) pointed out the parody error. So I lost it. Did the keyword research I needed and came up with … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, apple, author, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, google, KDP Select, kindle, kobo, publishing, self-publishing, writing | Leave a comment

Notes on Book Publishing

Some collected tips, hints, and tricks to get your book written & published. I just published yet another book, this one a collection of interviews and writings on writing I had laying around, or had published earlier in some other … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, b&n, bestseller, iTunes, kobo, LibreOffice, lulu, Onlywire, Scribd, smashwords, Storify, synnd, writing | Leave a comment

Smashwords overturning the self-publishing apple cart – what’s new?

This Smashwords Newsletter is an Intense Good News Download Just got this in from Mark Coker in my email and thought you should have a copy. It’s that good… Smashwords Author/Publisher Alert – August 29, 2013 Inside: 1. Smashwords introduces … Continue reading

Posted in apple, Barnes & Noble, book, Flipkart, India, kobo, Mark Coker, smashwords | Leave a comment

The “Eyeball” Marketing Strategy for Self-Published eBooks

(photocredit: Skrewtape) The simplicity of ebook sales can be simply stated: Get Your eBook in Front of as Many Eyeballs as Possible. But it’s not all that simple.  Sure, there are at least 7 main distributors of ebooks. (And there’s … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, E-book, Flickr, GooglePlay, iAmplify, iTunes, kobo, publish | Leave a comment

Focus on Value Instead of Delivery

Kobo’s recent piggy approach to public domain self-publishing has a lesson. And that is: Concern yourself with delivering value, not just book sales. Having to edit the meta-info on several dozen books didn’t exactly make my evening. Swallowing the fact … Continue reading

Posted in, E-book, feedbooks, iTunes, kobo, Microsoft, Scribd, smashwords | 1 Comment

How to Publish Public Domain Books and Profit Nearly Forever, Part 1

(photo: 401(k) 2012) I found sometime this year that it was more profitable to publish than it is to write. And publishing copyright-free material was faster than about anything.[Update: the list of How-To steps have just been posted.] I now have … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, book, iTunes, kobo, lulu, public domain, publish | Leave a comment

Some copyright notes – where to check for public domain issues

Some places to check for copyright orphans before you give up on that great public domain book. The safest approach is to only use books printed before 1923. That limits what people want to read, though, since the language and … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, createspace, Dorothea Brande, Internet Archive, kobo, lulu, public domain | Leave a comment

Lulu gets finicky about publishing ebooks – tsk, tsk.

Is the business plan for publishing public domain and PLR books dead? No, but the rumors would make you think so. (photo: seebrownflikr) Got this from Lulu today: Please note that we no longer accept public domain or other content … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, google, iTunes, kobo, lulu, Nook, public domain | Leave a comment

Why Lulu Made Me Buy a MAC for Self-Publishing

iTunes, unlike Amazon, doesn’t seem to be a walled garden. But there are hurdles which they put in place to keep indie authors out. Here’s some solutions to the problem. (photocredit: Kyle MacDonald) This began for me when Lulu decided … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, book, iTunes, kobo, lulu, public domain, smashwords | Leave a comment

How to Make Higher Royalties From Your Books

Affiliate Book Sales can earn you even higher book royalties. Some tricks, though. The simple approach is to get your distributors to pay you affiliate sales fees on top of your royalties. None of them do it the same way, … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, iTunes, kobo, lulu, Missouri, OverDrive, Rakuten | Leave a comment

Book Marketing That Actually Works: Part 1

Books are only paid journey invitations. They are not the journey itself. “You buys your ticket and you takes your chances.” While they make income, they are not your bread-winners, despite any individual bestseller. Your income comes from the teamwork … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, book, iTunes, kobo, lulu, Nook, public domain | Leave a comment

Leanpub Shows Their TImidity – Accepts Original Works Only.

(Logo property of Leanpub as trademark.) Just got suspended for “copyright violations” from Leanpub (on one account, anyway.) Means they don’t like public domain books. Scratch them from anything except original books. Which means they’re in the same category as … Continue reading

Posted in iTunes, kobo, LibreOffice, lulu, Nook, OverDrive, public domain, Smashword | Leave a comment

The “News” in Self-Publishing is all DIY, not “done-for-you”.

Self-Publishing is the new model which is far more profitable than traditional-publishing lock-step hobbles. (photo: eXtensionHorses) Hobbles are used on animals to keep them from wandering. They’re usually put on the (front) feet and are uncomfortable. The model for traditional … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, GooglePlay, iTunes, kobo, lulu, OverDrive, paperback, publish, publishing, writers | Leave a comment

How to Game Amazon at Their Public Domain Publishing.

(photo: aktivioslo) Winning the self-publishing race can mean gaming the Publishing Godzilla. (Meaning: you can get around Amazon’s Public Domain policies and still be legal in your agreements with them.) You might have peculiar books which Amazon will query, but … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, iTunes, kobo, lulu, public domain, publish, Smashword | Leave a comment

Are there Professional versus Amateur publishers?

(photo: Is there a difference between “professional” and “amateur” publishers? Technically, no. There seems to be a quality point, however. Even if that quality point is arbitrarily inflated. Some people are just getting started in publishing, and others have … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, book, BookBaby, iTunes, kobo, OverDrive, Private label rights, publish | Leave a comment