Category Archives: LeanPub

How to Publish an Ebook, Audiobook, Video Ecourse at the Same Time

(photocredit: andrewmalone) You may feel like a one-man-band, but it’s always better for an indie author to work smarter, not harder. (Pays better, too.) In researching podcasting, I came across some resources you should know about. This gives a slightly … Continue reading

Posted in Audacity, Audiobook, E-book, Firefox, LeanPub, publish, RSS, YouTube | Leave a comment

Leanpub Joins the Mix – Extending the Top Distributors List

Getting More Distributors Means More Eyeballs, More Income  (photo: Jena Ardell) This post is to update the publishing sequence to improve your profits with your home publishing business. We’re going to get into Leanpub next, a logical step – and … Continue reading

Posted in book, iTunes, LeanPub, LibreOffice, lulu, Markdown, Nook, publish | Leave a comment

Book Marketing That Actually Works: Part 2

The soul of your marketing journey is Copywriting. Copywriting is communication, it’s actually telling the story of a product or service and inviting a potential customer along for the journey – or giving that individual a tool or weapon or … Continue reading

Posted in book, iAmplify, iTunes, Joseph Campbell, LeanPub, lulu, Portable Document Format, publish | Leave a comment

Falling in Love with Leanpub for Self-Publishing Ease

It’s now so easy to self-publish via Leanpub that I’ve fallen in love all over again. Half tongue-in-cheek and half in earnest – when I moved to publishing my latest set of books on copywriting to Leanpub, the ease of … Continue reading

Posted in Dropbox, GooglePlay, iTunes, LeanPub, LibreOffice, Nook, publish, YouTube | Leave a comment

Solved: Amazon Just Rejected Your Self-Published eBook? No Problem.

Just had a couple of rejects from Amazon – I needed more choices for ecommerce, and found a solution. (Art: Daniel Broche) Amazon certainly isn’t the only game in town. When they reject your book, it certainly feels like that. … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, Android (operating system), Apple Inc., E-book, ereader, google, Google Play, LeanPub, Mobile payment, PayPal | Leave a comment

The Espresso Network – the 7th Book Distributor.

Found a new place for Indie Authors to Publish their books – the Espresso Network. (Photo: This was an interesting find – and wound up with another way for you to self-publish books. Yes, of course it’s free. The … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, Assembly line, author, E-book, ebook, Ebook Publishing, LeanPub, LibreOffice, lulu, Portable Document Format, publishing, smashwords | Leave a comment

“Edward’s First Book” – A Children’s Story About Self-Publishing.

(Just a first draft. Illustrations to follow.)  – – – – Edward would wake up at night because of the voices in his head. They weren’t unpleasant voices, but they did want something. They wanted to be heard. Not just … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, book, Book cover, book launch, Goodreads, LeanPub, lulu, publishing, self-publishing | Leave a comment