Category Archives: Malcolm Gladwell

Budget Corks: How to Keep Your Money Instead of Watching it Drain Away

Financial Freedom and “Getting Rich” can be accomplished much cheaper than most people think possible. At this point, you’re well on your way to getting financially free by operating your own book-publishing home business. It’s time to discuss getting rich. … Continue reading

Posted in Cork, Education, Larry Ellison, Malcolm Gladwell, Michael Dell, Pursuit of Happyness, Real estate, Wealth | Leave a comment

Reverse Book Marketing – Audience First, then Book

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here The guide to reverse book marketing exists. I found this great talk between Robert Bruce and Brian Clark which has a reverse take on how authors should start … Continue reading

Posted in authorpreneur, book, Brian Clark, Copyblogger, DVD, Elvis Presley, Malcolm Gladwell, New Rainmaker, writing | Leave a comment