Category Archives: Market Samurai

Perfecting Passive Income Publishing for Profit

How to Make More Than Just a Living With Profitable Passive Income Publishing. (Image: WishIKnew…) It all started out by wanting to learn how to get books I’d written published and making enough to allow me to quit my day … Continue reading

Posted in author, book launch, epub, iTunes, Kobo Inc., LibreOffice, lulu, Market Samurai, public domain, publishing | Leave a comment

Getting Your Book Published and Marketed: Actions List – Case Study 03

Any Man (and his brilliant wife) Knows – Things Get Done When You Have a List: Self-Publishing Truth. (Photo: Rob and Stephanie Levy) There are lots of details to get done when you publish books, let alone market them. And … Continue reading

Posted in Blogger (service), google, iTunes, Market Samurai, publishing, Search engine optimization, Web search engine, YouTube | Leave a comment

The Author as Producer – it’s not just about ebooks anymore. Case Study 04

Becoming a Media Producer: Even Better Than an Author The point I have to pause here is to tell you that you’ve just morphed into something more powerful and more creative than you’ve ever been before. Books, especially ebooks, have … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle,, iTunes, lulu, Market Samurai, Portable Document Format, public domain, publishing, Scribd, smashwords | Leave a comment

Save Time, Save Money, Get Loved – Case Study 06

(Graphic: How to Save Time and Money – and Find Love. Well – link-love, anyway. We’re talking social media here. Many of these are interlinked with various programs that will send your status updates, and even post blogs for … Continue reading

Posted in, Backlink, Blog, E-book, google, HTML, iTunes, Market Samurai, Search engine optimization | Leave a comment

Getting Started on a Right Foot – with Online Book Selling: Case Study 07

(Photo:  Augustus Binu) Your site is the right first step to take in getting your book selling online. There I was, running through all these to-do spreadsheet list actions – and I realized I’d skipped over a huge piece of this … Continue reading

Posted in AWeber Communications, book, google, Google Analytics, Landing page, Market Samurai, RSS, Search engine optimization, WordPress | Leave a comment

How Rubber Meets the Real World – Case Study 08

Marketing books results in – publishing yet another book. Got back to work getting my checklist/spreadsheet executed. With the revisions I added. Now that the site was mobile-friendly for real, I then turned to the next most obvious distraction – … Continue reading

Posted in AWeber Communications, Flickr, iTunes, Landing page, Market Samurai, publishing, Scribd, Search engine optimization, YouTube | Leave a comment