Category Archives: Print on demand

Staring an Indie SOHO Publishing Career and Making Income Immediately

You Can Publish Your Friend’s, Neighbor’s, and Strangers’ Books From Your SOHO Publishing Business… (photo:epSos .de) …with no more than the tools you already use to publish your own books. It’s long been said that there is more money selling … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle,, book, iTunes, lulu, Print on demand, public domain, publishing, SOHO | Leave a comment

Publishing 30 books in 5 hours on Amazon

It is possible to publish over 2 dozen ebooks to Amazon in an afternoon. (photo: Alan Hudson) Of course, there’s a great deal of work to get to that point. Over 2 months of preps. And you should see how … Continue reading

Posted in bestseller, book, book sales, E-book, Ebook Publishing, Free content, kindle, Lowest common denominator, Print on demand, publishing | Leave a comment

The Curse of Printed Art Books – and How to Remove it (Case Study 09)

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here I can hear my Art Teachers “tut-tutting” in my head now. They were all very good at being constructive in their criticism. You knew you hit the high-level … Continue reading

Posted in art books, art training, book, Print on demand, public domain, self-publishing, walter crane | Leave a comment