Category Archives: publish

Looks like final title – “publish ebook” as key keyword

“Just Publish! Ebook Creation for Indie Authors” “Learn how to write, design, format, upload, and sell your own book for low cost or free.” – – – – Of course, this means a new cover. And I’m having to figure … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, ebook, publish, title, writing | Leave a comment

How to Drive Yourself Sane – Checklist for Self-Publlshing

It’s easier to plan things out and work your plan, especially when publishing many books at once. (photocredit: Seattle Municipal Archives) (I’ve been owing you an update to “Just Publish!” [see links above right] – and this isn’t a complete … Continue reading

Posted in Google Play, iTunes, John Locke, LibreOffice, OpenOffice, public domain, publish, Stephen King | Leave a comment

You may have thought self-publishing ebooks was bad – try audiobooks…

(photocredit: Brett Jordan) The problem with audiobooks is Amazon – exactly why anti-trust laws were created. Amazon bought Audible. And got exclusive contracts with iTunes and others, such that they essentially are the only on-ramp to major distributors.(That’s called a … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, iTunes, LibriVox, lulu, OverDrive,, publish | Leave a comment

How to Publish an Ebook, Audiobook, Video Ecourse at the Same Time

(photocredit: andrewmalone) You may feel like a one-man-band, but it’s always better for an indie author to work smarter, not harder. (Pays better, too.) In researching podcasting, I came across some resources you should know about. This gives a slightly … Continue reading

Posted in Audacity, Audiobook, E-book, Firefox, LeanPub, publish, RSS, YouTube | Leave a comment

What’s the difference between professional self-publishing digital products and everything else?

(photocredit: Sudden Fiction) There’s a gulf between pro and amateur audiobook distributors – to succeed, you have to prove you’re one and not the other. (Fourth in a series about audiobook publishing.) A review of iAmplify and OverDrive for audiobook … Continue reading

Posted in, Audiobook, Clickbank, iAmplify, Online advertising, OverDrive, Private label rights, publish | Leave a comment

The “Eyeball” Marketing Strategy for Self-Published eBooks

(photocredit: Skrewtape) The simplicity of ebook sales can be simply stated: Get Your eBook in Front of as Many Eyeballs as Possible. But it’s not all that simple.  Sure, there are at least 7 main distributors of ebooks. (And there’s … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, E-book, Flickr, GooglePlay, iAmplify, iTunes, kobo, publish | Leave a comment

How to Get Your Audiobook Linked Up With Your Kindle (and Hardcopy) Books on Amazon

Just had an audiobook go live… by itself. Needs links. So I was supposed to email somebody in Author Central about linking this with the Kindle version it was based on. You see, they both have the same title, just … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle,, Audible, E-book, lulu, publish, smashwords | Leave a comment

How to Publish Public Domain Books and Profit Nearly Forever, Part 1

(photo: 401(k) 2012) I found sometime this year that it was more profitable to publish than it is to write. And publishing copyright-free material was faster than about anything.[Update: the list of How-To steps have just been posted.] I now have … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, book, iTunes, kobo, lulu, public domain, publish | Leave a comment

Leanpub Joins the Mix – Extending the Top Distributors List

Getting More Distributors Means More Eyeballs, More Income  (photo: Jena Ardell) This post is to update the publishing sequence to improve your profits with your home publishing business. We’re going to get into Leanpub next, a logical step – and … Continue reading

Posted in book, iTunes, LeanPub, LibreOffice, lulu, Markdown, Nook, publish | Leave a comment

Book Marketing That Actually Works: Part 2

The soul of your marketing journey is Copywriting. Copywriting is communication, it’s actually telling the story of a product or service and inviting a potential customer along for the journey – or giving that individual a tool or weapon or … Continue reading

Posted in book, iAmplify, iTunes, Joseph Campbell, LeanPub, lulu, Portable Document Format, publish | Leave a comment

Summary of Getting Started: Lists and Sequences

Tying it all together in a neat package means giving you a shopping list of stuff to do in what order. I. What distributors? Leanpub Lulu Google Play/Books iTunes Nook Amazon Kobo (OverDrive) This sequence is to get all possible … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, HTML, iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, OverDrive, public domain, publish | Leave a comment

Postcript: Tracking ebook links for fun and profit

Putting your ebook envoys to work in earning you income. (I got this surprisingly logical idea recently – which I’ve not heard anywhere else –  of how you figure out how your ebook is performing in bringing you additional traffic, … Continue reading

Posted in book, E-book, google, Hootsuite, HTML, iTunes, Landing page, publish | Leave a comment

Update: How Lulu Distributes Your eBook – on a Lag

Something funny with Lulu – why the delay in distribution? (Photo: RainbowCave) Lulu has now started e-mailing when they actually ship your book to the main distributors (iTunes, Nook, Amazon, Kobo.) Nice. But why does it take so long? “Congratulations! … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, E-book, GooglePlay, iTunes, lulu, Nook, publish, Smashword | Leave a comment

Falling in Love with Leanpub for Self-Publishing Ease

It’s now so easy to self-publish via Leanpub that I’ve fallen in love all over again. Half tongue-in-cheek and half in earnest – when I moved to publishing my latest set of books on copywriting to Leanpub, the ease of … Continue reading

Posted in Dropbox, GooglePlay, iTunes, LeanPub, LibreOffice, Nook, publish, YouTube | Leave a comment

Choosing Your eBook Package Distributor – A Review

Distribly vs. JVZoo vs. BlueSnap vs. DigiResults vs. MyCommerce, etc. (Your choice of dancing affiliates…) When Leanpub showed me they weren’t publishing anything but original works, I was left finding other options for creating binders and packages – as well … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, Clickbank, iTunes, Lowest common denominator, lulu, Portable Document Format, publish | Leave a comment

The “News” in Self-Publishing is all DIY, not “done-for-you”.

Self-Publishing is the new model which is far more profitable than traditional-publishing lock-step hobbles. (photo: eXtensionHorses) Hobbles are used on animals to keep them from wandering. They’re usually put on the (front) feet and are uncomfortable. The model for traditional … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, GooglePlay, iTunes, kobo, lulu, OverDrive, paperback, publish, publishing, writers | Leave a comment

The Copywriting Classics Publishing Post-Mortem

(photo: School of Veterinary Medicine) Racking up a queue of public domain classics for publishing, does seem like an hygienic assembly line at times. This post-mortem is a critique of what went well and could be improved on this latest … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Calibre, Dale Carnegie, google, iTunes, lulu, public domain, publish | Leave a comment

New release: How to Earn Extra Income Through Your SOHO Publishing Business

Publish. Profit. Independence. Find independence and financial freedom from one of the simplest home businesses you can start from scratch – or less… Learn Tips and Tricks to make self-publishing pay well. I fell into this by accident. There I … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, Nook, public domain, publish, SOHO | Leave a comment

How to Game Amazon at Their Public Domain Publishing.

(photo: aktivioslo) Winning the self-publishing race can mean gaming the Publishing Godzilla. (Meaning: you can get around Amazon’s Public Domain policies and still be legal in your agreements with them.) You might have peculiar books which Amazon will query, but … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, iTunes, kobo, lulu, public domain, publish, Smashword | Leave a comment

Are there Professional versus Amateur publishers?

(photo: Is there a difference between “professional” and “amateur” publishers? Technically, no. There seems to be a quality point, however. Even if that quality point is arbitrarily inflated. Some people are just getting started in publishing, and others have … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, book, BookBaby, iTunes, kobo, OverDrive, Private label rights, publish | Leave a comment