Category Archives: RSS

How to Publish an Ebook, Audiobook, Video Ecourse at the Same Time

(photocredit: andrewmalone) You may feel like a one-man-band, but it’s always better for an indie author to work smarter, not harder. (Pays better, too.) In researching podcasting, I came across some resources you should know about. This gives a slightly … Continue reading

Posted in Audacity, Audiobook, E-book, Firefox, LeanPub, publish, RSS, YouTube | Leave a comment

Getting Started on a Right Foot – with Online Book Selling: Case Study 07

(Photo:  Augustus Binu) Your site is the right first step to take in getting your book selling online. There I was, running through all these to-do spreadsheet list actions – and I realized I’d skipped over a huge piece of this … Continue reading

Posted in AWeber Communications, book, google, Google Analytics, Landing page, Market Samurai, RSS, Search engine optimization, WordPress | Leave a comment

When Your Case Study Becomes the Next Case Study (11)

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here This could have happened to you – or maybe not. The scene was this: I was listening to some podcasts while working (as radio these days is nearly … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle, Blog, Blogger (service), google, iTunes, publishing, RSS, YouTube | Leave a comment

Is it Time for Authors to Speak Up and Sell More?

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here The more authors get their content out to more people, the better chance they have of discovery.  The more discovery, the better the book sales. I’ve long said … Continue reading

Posted in, Audiobook, book, iTunes, publishing, RSS | 1 Comment

I’m Sorry – Updates Galore Coming Soon!

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here I’ve been quiet too long. And I apologize. It’s not that I don’t have stuff for you – I do. About 5 podcasts which have to be recorded … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Blogger (service), E-learning, google, iTunes, LinkedIn, New Rainmaker, Podcast, publishing, RSS | Leave a comment