Category Archives: Scribd

Notes on Book Publishing

Some collected tips, hints, and tricks to get your book written & published. I just published yet another book, this one a collection of interviews and writings on writing I had laying around, or had published earlier in some other … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, b&n, bestseller, iTunes, kobo, LibreOffice, lulu, Onlywire, Scribd, smashwords, Storify, synnd, writing | Leave a comment

Focus on Value Instead of Delivery

Kobo’s recent piggy approach to public domain self-publishing has a lesson. And that is: Concern yourself with delivering value, not just book sales. Having to edit the meta-info on several dozen books didn’t exactly make my evening. Swallowing the fact … Continue reading

Posted in, E-book, feedbooks, iTunes, kobo, Microsoft, Scribd, smashwords | 1 Comment

How to Sell Your Books Online, Old or New.

Selling books online doesn’t have to be hard, …but you have to know what to do when in order to be successful. (Photo: RIAN archive)  Just because your book never sold well doesn’t’ mean it can’t.  Just because most books … Continue reading

Posted in, E-book, iTunes, Kobo Inc., lulu, passive income, Portable Document Format, profit, public domain, publishing, Scribd, smashwords | Leave a comment

The Author as Producer – it’s not just about ebooks anymore. Case Study 04

Becoming a Media Producer: Even Better Than an Author The point I have to pause here is to tell you that you’ve just morphed into something more powerful and more creative than you’ve ever been before. Books, especially ebooks, have … Continue reading

Posted in Amazon Kindle,, iTunes, lulu, Market Samurai, Portable Document Format, public domain, publishing, Scribd, smashwords | Leave a comment

How Rubber Meets the Real World – Case Study 08

Marketing books results in – publishing yet another book. Got back to work getting my checklist/spreadsheet executed. With the revisions I added. Now that the site was mobile-friendly for real, I then turned to the next most obvious distraction – … Continue reading

Posted in AWeber Communications, Flickr, iTunes, Landing page, Market Samurai, publishing, Scribd, Search engine optimization, YouTube | Leave a comment