Category Archives: Shelfari

Adding a New Distributor for Book Discovery

More multiple eyeballs to add to your list of book-buying promotional outlets. (photo credit: Jackie) Which means more discovery and more sales = more income. Found it when I was chasing down a new series of books which had fallen … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, Goodreads, google, Internet Archive, LibraryThing, lulu, Shelfari | Leave a comment

How to Market Test Your eBook – Before You Port to Amazon

(Photo: Wikipedia) Test Your Book’s Sales Ability Before a Big Amazon Release Simple really: sell everywhere else first. Why? Because Amazon is known as the new book graveyard. That is why there are so many, many books written about how … Continue reading

Posted in, Goodreads, iTunes, LibreOffice, OverDrive, public domain, publishing, Shelfari | Leave a comment