Category Archives: Sigil

The only Constant is Change – ebook publishing continues to shift.

(photocredit: Nikki L.) Of course, I owe you an update on “Just Publish: Ebook Creation for Indie Authors” – because there have been so many changes going and coming around. If I haven’t already let you know otherwise, I’ve got … Continue reading

Posted in epub, Google Play, iTunes, lulu, publishing, Sigil, Smashword, Table of contents | Leave a comment

How to Set Up a MAC for Self-Publishing to Itunes

Adventures in Apple-land: Using a MAC as a Self-Publishing Platform When we last left our hero, he had made the decision – and leapt into the mist. I ordered a MAC mini (hold the fries) and it arrived two days … Continue reading

Posted in apple, Best Buy, Calibre, Firefox, iTunes, LibreOffice, Linux, Sigil, Windows | Leave a comment

How to Build a Public Domain (Self) Publishing Assembly Line

Publishing public domain books means volume and repetitive tasks – an assembly line. (art credit:Tobias Mikkelson) A one-person publishing “empire” is possible these days. Regular passive income can be made from re-publishing public domain as long as you: 1) Add … Continue reading

Posted in book, Calibre, iTunes, LibreOffice, lulu, public domain, publishing, Sigil | Leave a comment