Category Archives: Smashword

The only Constant is Change – ebook publishing continues to shift.

(photocredit: Nikki L.) Of course, I owe you an update on “Just Publish: Ebook Creation for Indie Authors” – because there have been so many changes going and coming around. If I haven’t already let you know otherwise, I’ve got … Continue reading

Posted in epub, Google Play, iTunes, lulu, publishing, Sigil, Smashword, Table of contents | Leave a comment

A Comparison of Distributors – Who’s on First?

Figured I owed you a no-holds-barred, warts-and-all review of the main distributors – from my experiences with them. The aggregators all charge something to post your ebook to the various distributors. Lulu is the cheapest, at 10%, Smashwords at around … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, google, GooglePlay, iTunes, lulu, Nook, public domain, Smashword | Leave a comment

Update: How Lulu Distributes Your eBook – on a Lag

Something funny with Lulu – why the delay in distribution? (Photo: RainbowCave) Lulu has now started e-mailing when they actually ship your book to the main distributors (iTunes, Nook, Amazon, Kobo.) Nice. But why does it take so long? “Congratulations! … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, E-book, GooglePlay, iTunes, lulu, Nook, publish, Smashword | Leave a comment

Leanpub Shows Their TImidity – Accepts Original Works Only.

(Logo property of Leanpub as trademark.) Just got suspended for “copyright violations” from Leanpub (on one account, anyway.) Means they don’t like public domain books. Scratch them from anything except original books. Which means they’re in the same category as … Continue reading

Posted in iTunes, kobo, LibreOffice, lulu, Nook, OverDrive, public domain, Smashword | Leave a comment

How to Game Amazon at Their Public Domain Publishing.

(photo: aktivioslo) Winning the self-publishing race can mean gaming the Publishing Godzilla. (Meaning: you can get around Amazon’s Public Domain policies and still be legal in your agreements with them.) You might have peculiar books which Amazon will query, but … Continue reading

Posted in amazon,, iTunes, kobo, lulu, public domain, publish, Smashword | Leave a comment