Category Archives: Social media

Getting Your Books Discovered with Social Book Networks.

Social Media and Book Discovery only work when the Search Engines are involved. (Photo: Phil Roeder) While social media/networks are all the buzz about how to promote your book – as usual, the conscious work at ignoring what passes for … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Social media, Twitter | Leave a comment

The Book Income Sales Web You Build

Your Online Book Selling Income is Closer to a Web by Design (photo: Josef A. Stuefer) When you sell your books online, you aren’t just trying to get them to sell on Amazon. This is actually a bit backwards (even … Continue reading

Posted in Business marketing, E-book, Electronic publishing, How-to, Internet, List of best-selling books, marketing, Marketing strategy, Social media, Web search engine | Leave a comment

Exploding Sales Funnel Fraud

How to Resolve and Expand Your Audience Out Of Trust The core value any online commerce runs on is trust. Yet business schools don’t teach this. They are instead given all sorts of models to use which take them away from … Continue reading

Posted in audience, self-publsihing, Social media, trust | Leave a comment