Category Archives: Uncategorized

Genevieve Behrend – Complete Works Now Available

Complete Genevieve Behrend Collection IMAGINE you were able to sit at the feet of the greatest thinker alive – a man who had distilled the complete philosophical data from all the world’s major religions. Who lectured about his research and … Continue reading

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Thomas Troward Collected Works Available

Complete Thomas Troward Collection Welcome to this singularly complete collection of Judge Thomas Troward’s works. The result of studying his works is to gain an intense understanding of the underlying laws this universe operates from, quite apart from personal revelations … Continue reading

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Even Orphans Can Get Published and Find Success

Orphans have rights too – but they’d rather be well-known than forgotten. (photo: The story is too common. Some author comes out with a book, then dies – but no one cares. Or an author publishes under a corporate … Continue reading

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Huna – Max Freedom Long – Recovering the Ancient Magic

Discovering / Recovering the Ancient Magic (Photo Credit: Palash Biswas) AFTER an eighteen-year study of Magic in its various forms—not the spurious magic of the stage, but the genuine magic that works miracles—I come as a layman to report my … Continue reading

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The new and streamlined assembly line for book publishing online.

Anything can be automated, even book self-publishing. (Photo credit: Pascal) We aren’t’ talking about how you publish books by machine, but we are talking a pretty set procedural system to make your publishing life continue easier. Publishers publish many books. … Continue reading

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The genius reason behind the madness of publishing as a home business

Genius publishers can get financial freedom if they want to work hard. My job is to make it easier by leaving a back-trail anyone can follow. The idea is to create a self-publishing home-business which earns you financial freedom. I … Continue reading

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Your Next Challenge in Publishing – Finish What You Started

Editing Great Books Doesn’t Get Them Selling or Sold – Publishing Does. (Photo credit: Kev) It’s an easy trap to get into. Many niches have lots of books hanging around which beg you to bring them back to life. And … Continue reading

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A Review of Overdrive – Underdriven?

Where Overdrive as an ebook distributor might have some gears loose. (Photo: Drew Brayshaw) I’ve had not the best experience with Overdrive and wanted to let you know what I found. Overdrive, per their website: “Generate revenue from our worldwide … Continue reading

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Your Life Career: How to Find and Follow Your Bliss

How to Find and Follow Your Bliss In Your Life Career An Excerpt from The Power of Myth, by Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers. Of all mythologist Joseph Campbell’s work, the easiest I’ve found to follow was a several-hour interview … Continue reading

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You connect with your readers via their story.

It’s a point of how well do you fit in as a symbol, or an archetype for their journey. This is a point of how well your marketing is able to be absorbed. Thought you might be interested in this … Continue reading

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8 Steps to Solving Any Problem

From an upcoming Amazon book:  “Business Life: 2 Amazing Ways to Solve Any Problem” This graphic available online at Get Your Copy Today!

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6 Simple Steps That Guarantee Your Publishing Success

Hello again, I actually had a rant ready to spring on you, but decided against it. This is the holidays after all. And it goes against my grain to simply diss someone for acting stupid and selfishly. So, we’ll leave … Continue reading

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Spammers in Your Google Analytics – False Positives

Definitive Guide to Removing Google Analytics Spam – Analytics Edge Sad, but true. There’s a weird scene that happens when people put links into your analytics, hoping you’ll click on their link and buy their stuff or pick up their … Continue reading

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New news on the Classics You Should Know book club

Hi there, Just wanted to keep you up to date. “Classics You Should Know” is live with plenty – a week’s worth of books for you. We’re still working on the bubble-wrap they came in, so we’ll get some more … Continue reading

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How to Hack Amazon Algorithms: Publish Backwards

How to Hack Amazon Algorithms By Starting at the End. I had yet another book to launch. As you know, I like to work backwards on these things. The phrase (attributed earliest to Socrates) is: “Begin with the end in … Continue reading

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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This Strategy Builds Your Writing & Publishing Success

This Strategy Builds Your Writing & Publishing Success One size doesn’t ever fit all. Because we are individuals. And also why no advice is useful until you test it. I like the phrase, “Opinion is like a belly button, everybody … Continue reading

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The Great Fiction Writing Challenge – Week 52 (Final) Results

The Great Fiction Writing Challenge – Week 52 (Final) Results Finished the anthologies for this year. 7 more. Continued on writing the book with all the craft I learned this past year. With any luck, I’ll publish it today/early tomorrow. Metrics Published Words Fiction: … Continue reading

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The Great Writing Audience Challenge – Week 01 Results

The new year’s challenge starts afresh. Lots of opportunities present themselves as I learn from the earlier two challenges through patient analysis… The Great Writing Audience Challenge – Week 01 Results Metrics Subscribers: Instafreebie/PW: 113/441 (25.6%) 1 non-IF, 33 no-openers moved … Continue reading

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The Great Writing Audience Challenge – Week 41 Results

Courses continue to be the focus, as I streamline the production to maintain output of my regular publishing. Shifting off finding fiction readers and onto leveraging non-fiction topsellers… “See the challenges in your life as fuel to fire you up. … Continue reading

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The Great Writing Audience Challenge – Week 52 Results

Now that the relative insanity of 2020 is over, we can cautiously peek out and hope for something better – but from our own efforts and our own goals… “It’s better to walk alone than with a crowd going the … Continue reading

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