Category Archives: writing

Beginning of a New Book Series

How to Write, Publish, and Sell Your Books Online That’s the general area we’ll be covering. Research is pretty much wrapped up now, and it just has to be laid out and edited. Best way to do this is by … Continue reading

Posted in author, ebooks, epub, publishing, self-publishing, writing | Leave a comment

How to Get Your Self-Published Book Discovered (Legacy Publishers: Hints…)

(graphic from While legacy publishers are having a hard time of getting their book discovered, indie self-publishers don’t have to. A quote from the review of a Digital Book World presentation (graphic above): Sixty-one percent of book purchases by frequent … Continue reading

Posted in agents, distribution, ebooks, google, marketing, publishers, self-publishing, SEO, writing | Leave a comment

Book III Outline – “How to Sell a Book Online”

(Just to make a note of things. Yes, I also have some outlines for Book I and II, but this came together today, so I thought to make a record of it. Feel free to ask me questions about this … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, author, books, distribution, ebooks, kindle, lulu, marketing, publishers, publishing, self-publishing, SEO, smashwords, writing | Leave a comment

2nd Draft Arrived today. New title, new cover.

–>Well, it’s a new approach to this, but the content is proofed based on the first. One suggestion ( +Rob Gol ) pointed out the parody error. So I lost it. Did the keyword research I needed and came up with … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, apple, author, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, google, KDP Select, kindle, kobo, publishing, self-publishing, writing | Leave a comment

Closing Chapter just arrived…

Chapter 5 – Your Book As I mentioned in the beginning, there is probably a book in you, working to get out. Most of us have a story there. One report has this at 70% – which would include you. … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, publishing, story, writing | Leave a comment

Looks like final title – “publish ebook” as key keyword

“Just Publish! Ebook Creation for Indie Authors” “Learn how to write, design, format, upload, and sell your own book for low cost or free.” – – – – Of course, this means a new cover. And I’m having to figure … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, ebook, publish, title, writing | Leave a comment

Sales Page for “Just Publish!” (as it’s now known…)

(Thought you’d want to see the blurb which is previewing on my site right now, but won’t show up on Amazon until the book wraps up.) “Just Publish! Ebook Creation for Indie Authors” Learn how to write, design, format, upload, … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, author, books, ebook, epub, google, self-publishing, SEO, smartphone, smashwords, story, success, writing | Leave a comment

3 Views on Publishing – To Hell with Authorities

There are 3 views on (self-)publishing – leaving out those who don’t publish at all. 1. Traditional publishing, which is top-heavy and expensive and almost impossible to get a contract with – and has agents to take a percentage of … Continue reading

Posted in agents, author, books, ebook, publishers, self-publishing, story, writing | Leave a comment

Learning to write by studying bestseller fiction books. Novel? No – classics.

(photocredit: Amusafija) So begins yet another writing adventure. Found a great book, via Feedbooks, of a classic – “The Technique of the Mystery Story.” This gave me a complete inspiration to help writers learn to write better. This came up earlier … Continue reading

Posted in bestseller, books, Crime fiction, ebooks, feedbooks, fiction, Goodreads, public domain, Stephen King, writing | 1 Comment

Your Audience, Your Responsibility, Your Advice

Any Writer Starts By Listening This comes up over and over again. People who listen can have conversations. People who “soapbox” often end up standing there alone. The key to successful books is writing for the audience. Sure, you may … Continue reading

Posted in audience, author, bestsellers, book, ebook, exchange, fiction, genre, popular, story, value, writing | Leave a comment

Author Vs. Publisher – Creating Your Stable of Books

Stigma Be Damned – Creating a Steady Income by Publishing One of the funniest “stigmas” I ran into in researching for “Just Publish! Ebook Creation for Indie Authors” was that there was some emotional baggage with publishing your own books. … Continue reading

Posted in books, jape, launch, marketing, public domain, publishing, SEO, stigma, writing | Leave a comment

A year’s worth of Classic Fiction to Study – and Entertain…

Why Stephen King says writers should read daily – a year of study for you. The Fiction Writer’s Challenge: I frankly don’t know if anyone can actually do this one. It’s a study course with 26 (or so) classic fiction … Continue reading

Posted in bestsellers, challenge, characters, ebook, ereader, fiction, plot twists, smartphone, study guide, writers, writing | Leave a comment

Notes on Book Publishing

Some collected tips, hints, and tricks to get your book written & published. I just published yet another book, this one a collection of interviews and writings on writing I had laying around, or had published earlier in some other … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, Amazon Kindle, b&n, bestseller, iTunes, kobo, LibreOffice, lulu, Onlywire, Scribd, smashwords, Storify, synnd, writing | Leave a comment

Reverse Book Marketing – Audience First, then Book

If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here The guide to reverse book marketing exists. I found this great talk between Robert Bruce and Brian Clark which has a reverse take on how authors should start … Continue reading

Posted in authorpreneur, book, Brian Clark, Copyblogger, DVD, Elvis Presley, Malcolm Gladwell, New Rainmaker, writing | Leave a comment

How Steve Scott left Habit Stacking money on the table with his (former) bestseller

The point is branding and trademarks. Once he had his bestselling book (and made as much as $61K per month off of it and a few others) he went on to writing books on habits in general rather than doubling … Continue reading

Posted in book publishing, brand, ebook, Landing page, online book sales, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, steve scott, trademark, writing | Leave a comment

How to Create a Popular Non-Fiction Amazon Bestseller

Who wants to be the next Steve Scott? You and I are still trying to routinely crack the bestseller ranks on Amazon. Steve has done this several times. How he did it takes some sleuthing. How you could do it … Continue reading

Posted in bestseller, books, idea, non-fiction, readers, sell, steve scott, story, subject, work, writer, writing | Leave a comment