Category Archives: writing life

Why Self-Publishing on Kobo’s Writing Life Makes Sense

Just discovered this site recently and was very impressed. If you already have a epub file, it’s simpler than anything else to get it uploaded and on offer internationally. They are already known for global sales, this lets you in … Continue reading

Posted in agent, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, kobo, lulu, publishing, self-publishing, writing life | Leave a comment

Getting success with your self-published ebooks on Kobo

Self-publishing ebooks on Kobo – Success! One of the fastest and easiest way you can publish your ebooks is on Kobo – better than any other one I’ve found. Here’s some of the reasons why: eReader eReaderx 4 years ago … Continue reading

Posted in author, books, ebooks, epub, kindle, kobo, marketing, publishing, self-publishing, writing life | Leave a comment

How to Leave a Nicely Walled Garden – Through the Cracks…

Beating Amazon at their own Game (or: how to game Amazon…) Studies show that Amazon isn’t what it used to be. Statistics are doing their usual song-and-dance, but tell that the big box giant may be around (or even below) … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, apple, author, books, distribution, ebooks, epub, ibookstore, KDP Select, kindle, kobo, lulu, marketing, self-publishing, writing life | Leave a comment