Learning to write by studying bestseller fiction books. Novel? No – classics.

Becoming a Writer by Dorothea Brande starts a new adventure for fiction authors.

(photocredit: Amusafija)

So begins yet another writing adventure.

Found a great book, via Feedbooks, of a classic – “The Technique of the Mystery Story.” This gave me a complete inspiration to help writers learn to write better. This came up earlier when I was researching for “Just Publish! Ebook Creation for Indie Authors.” During that, I created a great tool for fiction writers, “Becoming the Fiction Storyteller of Your Dreams” – just to help people overcome writing difficulties and study up on how storytelling worked in its basics. 
It came to me in studying Stephen King’sOn Writing,” that writers should be reading daily. The next problem is what to read. Louis La’mour is understood to have studied the classics to perfect his own writing style. 
Lobbing around Feedbooks gave me another insight – the classic and still-popular bestsellers. 
What if these were assembled into a bi-weekly email delivery of the most popular classics. Every other week should allow you to get through whatever was sent (on average, anyway) and give options of getting a download version for your smartphone/tablet, and/or a paperback. Whatever you find easier to use. 
The variety of styles and genres should get a writer well-rounded on their studies.
A funny thing was that in comparing the most popular book on Feedbooks, Gutenberg.org, and Goodreads – I found something like 4 years worth of books to deliver on a bi-weekly basis. 
Heckuva lot of work, though.
But you’re worth it, aren’t you?
Here’s the page I’m starting for this. Turns out I never got a page for that “Becoming a Fiction Storyteller…”  So this new page on bestseller fiction books will help you with that. All set up to list the books as I get them polished up.
Just for you – and as well… wait for it… this gives yet another book in the making. Something along the lines of “Becoming a Mystery Writer“. Might even have to do a course on it’s own for that one. 
Just sayin’.
This entry was posted in bestseller, books, Crime fiction, ebooks, feedbooks, fiction, Goodreads, public domain, Stephen King, writing. Bookmark the permalink.

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