3 Reader-Driven Sites to Follow 4 Ways by Authors
What any author wants is readers. And the wildly successful authors have a fan base they nurture. So it’s logical to simply utilize existing reader-driven community sites to build your fan base and so – sell more books…
And for the book, what sells it is book reviews. Good and Bad. Means you want to get your book and author name in front of readers who will review your book.
As I covered yesterday, there are 3 sites which fill this bill: – Goodreads – Wattpad – Shelfari –Today, we’ll get into a little bit more detail on this 3, so you as an author can bloom your sales like these heavy-hitters.
How an author can make his book sales move:“Help your readers read easier.”
When you chase up the “back trail” of bestseller authors, you’ll find them very engaged with their fan base. This includes providing character lists, background influences for the book, asking readers to find errors (and Easter eggs) in the book, and setting up the books so they read easier and edit them (or get them edited) so they are easy to follow.
The author gets and stays involved with their reader-following. Here’s one set of reviews for sites like this: -
5 Good Book Review Sites Online
I was trying to think of great places to read a book online. I realized that there are so many that it may be hard for many people to cho… -
Goodreads is often compared to LibraryThing, or other sites which have lists of books. What is different here is the author-interaction (and that is the common ability all of these 3 sites have). But good reads is as much for authors as it is for readers.
Goodreads vs. LibraryThingI first mentioned my two book-cataloging affiliations in the “Against Friendship” social networking post: From there, I also got into Lib…
GoodReads – website review
I’ve been using GoodReads for quite a while now to track the books I read and keep tabs on what my friends are reading. I’m not really su… -
You know what most authors (including me) would probably like for Christmas? Reviews. Honest, solid reviews at Amazon, Goodreads, etc. 🙂
Nice to hear from you Niki. I must admit that I have moved my focus to Goodreads reviews now. They are…dlvr.it/2d9YhG #blogcomment
This is one site which does a good job of using Slideshare to get data across to users (both authors and readers) simply and effectively. Here’s a couple to get you started:
Your Guide to Reviews on Goodreads
How Authors Can Promote Their Work on Goodreads
And a whole page here about their Author Program – which anyone and everyone who’s written a book should get involved in.
Author Program – use Goodreads to promote yourself and your booksThe Goodreads Author Program is a completely free feature designed to help authors reach their target audience – passionate readers. This…
Here’s some additional tips about using social networking via Goodreads to promote your book:
Promoting Your Book Online through Social Networking: Goodreads.com
Goodreads.com is one of the premiere social networking sites for book lovers. At this site you can make friends, share book recommendatio… -
#AleathaRomig @Goodreads#LittleKnownAuthorWorthReading #ConsequencesSeries – #TRUTH $4.99 #kindle 48×5 Star Reviews!amzn.to/TtrJX0
@minnchica I love reading your reviews! 😀 reading through my goodreads updates now!
Wattpad is really different. It’s a place you can post most or all of your book, especially as you write it. With millions of readers, this gives you a avid reader base. As well, this gives you reviews of your early material as well as feedback on how you’re doing. I’ve earlier curated articles of authors who built a huge (yes, millions) base of readers and then leveraged this to a bestseller self-published book.
Website Review: Wattpad
I suppose I should preface this writing site review: I am an inkie through and through. This July would’ve been my two year anniversary o… -
And Wattpad has reknown Margaret Atwood – who published on Wattpad as well as through her regular publisher. She covers below what the demographics are of this site and what she finds rewarding to be part of it. (My favorite story is about the African village chief who called the website owner to thank them and related how the village residents were able to read stories via that cel phone.)
Margaret Atwood: why Wattpad works
Once again people are giving me strange looks. Why Wattpad? And, indeed, what pad? Wattpad, as in wattage, the kind that makes the lights… -
Why I Love Wattpad
I want to buy Wattpad, if I could… Wattpad does for authors and writers beyond what any publisher can do. If you are a writer and haven… -
@ItsWhoIAm lol! Seen such mixed reviews. Written by a 15 yr old (she’s now 18) and was posted on wattpad. 6 figure publishing deal
Everyone go read my fanfic on wattpad. It’s not finished but I need suggestions and reviews. Thanks xx RiRi023
@ulinanditya Thank you gals for your reviews, mean a lot to me Gamsahamnida *bow ^^ *warmhugwattpad.com/user/princessce…
Shelfari is last on the list today, but certainly not least. Their partnership with Amazon means it’s easy to get data about your books and also to enable people to buy them online. The point again here is that they enable the author (you) to interact and build relationships with your readers so they can in turn help you with your book.
Site of the Week: Shelfari
If you’re the type who haunts the library, spends all day browsing bookstores, or frequently checks out what other people are reading on … -
Promoting Your Book Online through Social Networking: Shelfari.com
Shelfari.com is a great social networking sites for avid book readers. At this site you can make friends, share book recommendations, cre… -
And it’s ALWAYS The Alchemist. Log onto GoodReads or Shelfari & the reviews are all “it changed my life, I have a newfound view on life” #pt
RT @KathryneArnold: “WOW! The book is captivating.” Love new 5* Shelfari review of The Fear of Things to Come. #Suspense #Mystery #Thrillerow.ly/fVQBi
I finished reading How We Decide, rated it 3 stars, and wrote a review. shelfari.com/books/4571876/…shelfari.com/books/4571876?…
@Cherise_Duxbury Cherise – do your children write the reviews on Shelfari on your class blog?
Now, the title of this article mentions the 4 ways an author can help readers.
1. Research and Write: Authors need to have a body of work out there. So they need to write – daily. How much? Well, NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) says you need about 2,000 words a day. (This post alone is just over 1600 words, and took less than an hour.) And once you get into the groove of this, it comes pretty simply to you. It’s simply tapping in to that inspiration, and keeping a pad around to jot down the ideas which come to you out of the blue while you are doing other things.
For non-fiction writers, this means keeping a blog (or several) . Writing up your research (like this page) as you do it. Later on, you’ll scrape your own blog for the essays and articles you’ve written and get them into order for that book.
The other half of this is research. Fiction stories require research in to places, history, artifacts, and the motivations of the characters themselves. Non-fiction requires all sorts of sleuthing around to get data. Non-fiction has it’s own search through websites. And tools like Storify and Onlywire help you keep track of the real-world sources you investigate.
2: Read and Review: You can’t get without giving, as Napoleon HIll points out (“Think and Grow Rich”). So you need to be reading and reviewing other author’s works. This keeps your own reviews coming in. Your reviews need to follow the Golden Rule – constructive and supportive, just as you’d like to receive. Honest praise given – in advance, completely open-handed.
And the reading you do is not just for enjoyment, but also to hone your own skill. Read every book twice – once for the flow and experience of it, then again to de-craft the book and see how the transitions, phrasings, character building, plot, etc. all works together.
Of course, this runs right back to your first 2 steps, where you are now researching and probably getting new ideas and inspirations to fire your writing.
You may or may not want to set slots of time for each activity. Certainly having 2 hours for each every day would seem a good idea. And then your evening is your own, after 8 hours “on the job.”
But more than likely, you’ll begin to “live” your purpose, and everything around you becomes a contributor to the stories and articles you are inspired to write.
And now you have a system for your writing business.
Luck to us all!
Here’s the tool I pitch for any writer – if you never read Dorothea Brande’s “Becoming a Writer”, then you are in for a real treat. Add to this the classic Marie Shedlock book “The Art of Story Telling” and you’ve got a real winnner. Key reference for any author – I myself review these regularly (which is why I edited these together so you could, too…) -
Becoming the Fiction Storyteller of Your Dreams by Robert C – Lulu
Dec 5, 2012 … Buy Becoming the Fiction Storyteller of Your Dreams by Robert C. Worstell ( eBook) online at Lulu. Visit the Lulu Market…