Beginning of a New Book Series

How to Write, Publish, and Sell Your Books Online

That’s the general area we’ll be covering. Research is pretty much wrapped up now, and it just has to be laid out and edited.

Best way to do this is by blogging it, as I’ve recommended.I’ll do the rough formatting and layout here, then transfer this to Libre/Open Office in order to do the final tweaks. Porting to epub format from there is easy with the Writer2epub plugin. After that, it’s tweaking in Sigil, then testing in Calibre as well as add the tags.

This is going to be 3 short books, designed to be read best on a smartphone – which there is at least a 50% chance they’ll show up there.


1. How to Start Writing A Book
Learn the secrets of writing from successful bestselling authors.

2. How to Publish My Book
Learn to find and use free book publishing companies to create your ebook online.

3. How to Sell My Books
Learn to market and sell your book online through bookstores like Amazon and more.

So I’m asking you to stay tuned – and of course, give me any comments you consider worthwhile about the content posted.

Starts in the next couple of days – the raw material is over at – and is also based on  “Becoming the Fiction Storyteller of Your Dreams”

Luck to us all!

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