Goodreads: Probably the best place for Indie Authors to mingle and find new readers
Of all the social sites which service the reading public, none seems more potent than Goodreads to do an author good. It’s not without it’s tricks, such as the “backward marketing” one has to do in order to not spam anyone. However, there are more how-to’s on Goodreads for authors than any other…
Lauren DeStefano discusses the perils of Goodreads
A couple of overviews on this scene – readers, authors, etc:
Why social networking book sites are (almost) as important as Facebook | February Partners
It’s no secret that we’re huge fans of Facebook. With over 600 million users worldwide it is by far the largest social networking site in… -
Here’s Another Fast-Growing Social Network: Goodreads
Goodreads is a social reading site that’s easily pushing 20 million unique visitors per month. It’s not talked about in the same way as t… -
As mentioned, there are a lot of articles which tell writers to do this one social site if you do no others.
The Author’s Guide to Social Media: Goodreads: how to tell if you’re doing it wrong.
I logged into Goodreads this morning and found something highly irritating. Goodreads has a tool that allows you to suggest books to your… -
Write to Publish: Measuring your goodreads results
As regular people to this site already know, I try to give you tools to help you be successful as writers. The most difficult task for pe… -
This particular series was recommend in a link from another site. And gives you the lowdown on just what and how to proceed as an author (I’m printing these off for later reference.)
Write to Publish: Goodreads 101 – Part 1: Seting up your profile
After finding a manual typewriter in the basement of a friend’s house, Michael J. Sullivan inserted a blank piece of paper and typed: It … -
Write to Publish: Good Reads 101 – Part 2 Tell me about your book…
There are many opportunities on goodreads to tell people about your book. The most common is an “authors promotion folder” they exists in… -
Write to Publish: Goodreads 201: Part 3 – Introducing yourselfWelcome back to this third installment on . You’ll notice that it is now 201 instead of 101 because we’re graduating to more advanced tec…
Write to Publish: Goodreads 201: Part 4 – Introduction emails (content)
Okay, today I’m going to wrap up how to direct message people who have joined a group that you are also a member of. This presupposes a f… -
These two pages from Goodreads tell the author how to go about being part of the scene. Well laid out and useful. Too bad other sites don’t go to this length to help an author fit in…
How To Use the Author ProgramA comprehensive walk-through of how best to use the Goodreads Author Program. Learn more about how to promote your books with special too…
Author Program – use Goodreads to promote yourself and your booksThe Goodreads Author Program is a completely free feature designed to help authors reach their target audience – passionate readers. This…
Note here that there is a little-promoted place where you can upload your prose for people to review – just like (and perhaps even better than) Wattpad.
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The tips continue…
GoodReads Tutorial – How To Setup Your GoodReads Account …
goodreads tips for authors
I’ve been meaning to put this post together for awhile, but then a blog post by Beth Revis where she shares social media tips got my butt… -
Read me: Four social-media sites for bookworms | Macworld
When I was twelve, my local library had a summer reading competition, aptly titled “How many books can you read?” Every interested kid co… -
BTW – there’s an Android web app that helps you keep up on your reading…
And let’s bring in the big-shots to tell you how and why a site like this is important.
Goodreads CEO Otis Chandler on the Future of Discoverability and Social Reading | Digital Book World
There are more books available now to more people at a lower cost than any time in history, which only makes the following question harde… -
The Twitter-gnosti render verdict:
No matter how much I adore Twitter, Goodreads will forever be my favorite social media site. #NerdAtHeart
#Wait4Teuk Dec24 D-582 “Listen to your inner self, it knows you best.” (
Heh. Hipster flowchart from Goodreads. Clever and funny.
Which nation will claim the the first Earth-similar planet? Or will it be a company? #scifi
And perhaps my ubiquitous promotion can help you write your Goodreads prose better…
Becoming the Fiction Storyteller of Your Dreams… by Robert C. Worstell (eBook) – Lulu
Buy Becoming the Fiction Storyteller of Your Dreams… by Robert C. Worstell (eBook) online at Lulu. Visit the Lulu Marketplace for produ… -
(Also available in paperback.)