7 Steps to Spiritual Freedom You Can Do Right Now
Some thoughts on
spiritual training.
First, the world around you reflects the world “within” you. Now, purists would argue that there is no within, since there is only Being. But we have to start with the concepts we currently have and share in order to remove these or change them or dissolve them into whatever.
The world around you reflects your own thoughts. Anything you object to in this world is really your thought manifest, demonstrated, attracted. No one else put it there. Just you.
And this is how Ho’oponopono is a great introduction to this idea of being responsible for your own world.
Second, you can’t get there from here. Of course, there is no “there” as you are already here. But you are going to have to prove this to yourself. So this is no self help or personal development guide. If you are reading this (or hearing some audio-video version of it) you have exhausted all the books and guru’s and are ready for your next step. Because this wasn’t promoted in the usual fashion that marketers use. You found this because you considered it to be.
Three types of people in your world
Self-help only gets you into action and out of having to have things. The scale is Have – Do – Be. The bulk of humankind you have in your world is at have. They just receive things. They want things. This stuff is what makes them up. And you are here to help them with that.
Of these, there are a small handful who are into changing things, into listening to their intuition and finding the action they need to take in order to improve things around them. And a very tiny set of people here are practically insane, having realized that action controls havingness – but are still just working to control, or get approval, or build security, and are very, very afraid of death. They are insane. This isn’t you. You are here to help all these people through positive action.
There is a very small subset of these Do-ers – very tiny – who are simply at Be. And they only Be. No thoughts (or very, very few), they just exist. And life for these few is endless joy, happiness, and peace. They are almost ready to graduate our humankind class. But they are still here, for now, in order to help. These people are very serene, almost aloof. When you find them, they are very nice people to meet. And you feel peace within you just being near them. Your life changes from just meeting them. Practically, your life changes from thinking about them. They “Do” very little – but things change, whatever they touch.
And once you start this particular road of travel, there is no return. You never become the person you were before. (Well, you can theoretically put it all back like before, but it would take a lot of work – probably as much as it took originally — got a few spare lifetimes to burn?!?)
As well, people who are existing on our plane as distinct entities have a wide range of talents and abilities. Some are at a state where they have figured out how to stay calm all the time and they think this is the top level. But if there is anything “wrong” in the world around you, there is more work to do. Technically, if you had everything sorted out completely, the world around you is perfect and nothing needs changing. Until you get to that point, you fuel off this “need of change” to make the adjustments to your own thoughts, your own spiritual makeup, in order to improve the “you” which created that world around you.
Of course, I reserve all right to change what I said here and modify it. What I write now is from this level of operation, this level of understanding. I can see around me a bit further and have the urge to write this up for all of you.
The 7 pragmatic spiritual steps.
technique is where Lester Levenson and Dr. Hew Len’s
version of Ho’oponopono merge. That is today’s subject.
1. Basic is the first principle of Huna, that your thoughts create your world. Actually, they are your world. These concepts are the building blocks. And your perception around you is build from these. Only by taking responsibility for these will you actually be able to change them, modify them, or adjust them in any way.
Levenson did this by releasing. Dr. Len did this by praying to a higher source for forgiveness. These are the same concept, just different words. And you are going to have to find your own words for this. Mine are just mine. Until you make them your own, they won’t be effective for you.
You take responsibility for what you’ve been thinking and doing and having. Realize that all this is your creation. And you have to take this right back to basic. When you do take them back, they cease to be. Because you put them there – and when you look at them again, they vanish. Of course you can put them back. Your choice.
2. The highest levels I have seen at this point is Being. These lectures, these books, they just say “Being”. Not One Being, or a being or All-is-One. Just “Be”. Am. Is. Are. Or whatever language you use all the time – or no language. The concept is straight Existence.
And once you
dissolve that basic one, you leave this Universe as we know it. There
are some stories about this, and numerous movies, tons of legends.
Where people left this temporarily and came back to tell about it. Most
of them say similar things. But they only tell about a different type
of “place” you move to. From what I’ve studied at this time, it’s still
a universe of thought – but just much less solid than this one. What we
call magic or miraculous is common place there. No real downside to it.
“What Dreams May Come” is one
Hollywood version of it. “Star Wars” series alluded to it.
3. Of course, this is written for “Do-ers”. So let’s get to it. Study Zero Limits to get what you can from it. Visit the hooponopono.org site. Practice this.
Now take out your Sedona Method, Release Technique, Levenson tapes, etc. and dust these off. Get really good at releasing Look for the cross-overs between them.
Take out your
Silva Ultramind
stuff as well. Get versant with this. Become able to “Go to Level”
almost instantaneously. Work with this remote
viewing and
remote influencing stuff.
Next, brush off your old New Thought authors – Napoleon Hill, Charles Haanel, Wallace Wattles, etc. trace these back to their oldest teachings – which mostly all go to either Thomas Troward or Phineas P. Quimby. Of course, you’ll also go to Emerson and perhaps even earlier to philosophic treatises (like Plato) which were included under the New Thought umbrella.
Out of these four studies, take the commonalities and cross-overs. You’ll see that Quimby/New Thought held that healing was the province of the Divine through the Mind – much as Dr. Hew Len. And they all really hold that Thought creates Reality. Of course, they all point to the spiritual nature of humankind. Each author has their own take on these things.
And include any other authors you’ve covered which have helped you in the past and you still find valuable.
4. Now the basic technique:
a. Get into a high meditative state (Silva Method or Silva Ultramind).
b. Concentrate on whatever it is that has your attention.
c. Forgive Self for the error of this thought, and chase this back to the earliest point, it’s various emotions and feelings, all the cross-connected or pure desires which prompted it. Welcome it, and simply let it all go – the whole chain, everything.
d. Send out some unconditional Love – and give Self some approval.
e. Give Thanks – be grateful.
f. End off simply, or with any prayer or formulation you use. “Amen.” “And it is so.” “So Be It.” “Blessed Be.”
g. Get this into a normal, constant action in your life. As you practice, this will become quicker. Save the big things for when you can sit down and just concentrate on them, not when you are driving. And of course, don’t take on government and “powers-that-be” all at once. Use doctors and professionals as you are required. But many situations around you will simply pass as you apply these, so be prepared for those as well. As you get lighter, more peaceful, this is all working.
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You’ll find this applies to all the various techniques you’ve used to get your goals achieved, and to improve the quality of life around you. This doesn’t replace anything you’ve already found workable and useful. But these simple 7 steps will assist and “soup up” or accelerate those successes. Because they are based on the most effective and simple keystones which have been holding up everything all along.
When you study
these basic points – Meditation, Concentration,
responsibility/forgiveness/releasing, Love, Gratitude, Affirmation,
Practice – these all individually have created or allowed miracles in
the long written history and longer verbal history of this planet we
live on. Just as long as the Golden
Rule, Law of Attraction,
or Principle of Correspondence.
The key point is to work toward greater peace in all things. As you build greater peace in yourself, the world around you will become more peaceful, more perfect. As you are becoming more perfect. And you’ll have the choice at some point of simply stepping over the line into a pure bliss state. But that’s your choice when you come to it. Many don’t, as this world is a fascinating playground for all sorts of reasons.
My own purpose here is just to give people that option.
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