There are a Handful of Authors Who Change Your Life
Bestseller Famous Author Classics
are seriously only a short list of authors which you need to study in
order to improve any part of your life.
While I've spend 35 years narrowing down the whole human condition to just needing to study self-help books, and then a decade of this to just narrow down to the few who consistently produce results, I'm happy to announce that list to you today.
Here are the essential key bestselling famous authors of self help books I’ve found to be key to understanding this world system we are part of.
While a fuller explanation of their inter-relationships can be found in our recent release “Freedom Is – (period.)”, if you’ve studied more than one of these authors already, the interconnections are probably already apparent.
- Dale Carnegie – author of "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
- Napoleon Hill – author of "Think and Grow Rich" and "Law of Success"
- Charles Haanel – author of "Master Key System"
- Wallace Wattles – author of "Science of Getting Rich"
- Earl Nightingale – author of "The Strangest Secret" Gold Record
- Max Freedom Long – author of "The Secret Science Behind Miracles"
- Lester Levenson – discoverer of the Releasing Technique
Feel free to visit any of these as linked to discover more about them and their classic bestsellers.
Please enjoy!
Oh - and here's a video to tease you about the common secret they all know...